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European Year of Skills
  • Training and workshops

Your Traineeship Opportunities within EU Institutions

Your internship is just around the corner and EU matters are close to your heart? You surely already thought about applying for a traineeship in one of the Institutions of the European Union. During this event, you will chat with former trainees.

Your internship is just around the corner and EU matters are close to your heart? Then you surely already thought about applying for a traineeship in one of the Institutions of the European Union.  During this event, you will chat with former trainees. Thy will answer your questions!

  • digital skills | adult education | continuing education | professional qualifications
  • Tuesday 14 February 2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (CET)

Practical information

Tuesday 14 February 2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (CET)

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