Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsTraining and workshopsExpert meetingsInfo daysPartner meetingsCompetitions and award ceremoniesExhibitionsCampaign launchesPublic debatesVisitsPolitical meetingsToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject skills anticipation and matchingupdating of skillsdigital skillslabour marketvocational trainingadult educationin-service trainingvocational educationreskillingcompetitivenesshuman developmentlearningEU financingeducational guidanceyouth employmentcontinuing educationinvestmentrecognition of studiessmall and medium-sized enterprisesrecognition of vocational training qualificationsthird countryrecognition of diplomasgreen investmentprofessional qualificationspublic-private partnershipEU policymigrationfinancial skillsdigital transformationentrepreneurshiplabour forceteacher trainingfund (EU)higher educationapprenticeshipEU investmentproject managementsustainable developmentcybersecuritydigital technologylabour mobilityyoung personyouth unemploymentadultinnovationartificial intelligencehealth care professioninclusionlanguage skillssocial partnersworking conditionseducation policyemployment policyentrepreneurgender equalityrecruitmentsocial analysissocial economystudent mobilityyouth policycircular economyclimate changedefence industryeducational systememployabilityfood industrymetallurgical industrymusicnew technologynon-formal educationpublic investmenttourismuniversityapplied sciencesawardbuilding industrycultural organisationdefence policyeconomic analysiseducational exchangeelectrical engineeringemployment serviceEU financial instrumentEuropean citizenshipfree movement of workersgreen infrastructureintegration of migrantslogisticsmechanical engineeringmigration policymutual recognition principlepolicy analysisschool-industry relationsschool lifeteaching curriculumteaching qualityaccess to EU informationaccess to informationadaptation to climate changeaeronautical industryaerospace industryAfrica-EU partnershiparchitectureautomobilebasic educationbasic researchbiologybiotechnologybusiness policybusiness start-upcoastal and maritime tourismcommunications industrycommunications systemscorporate social responsibilitycosmetics industrycultural heritageculture industrydairy productiondemocracydigital contentdisabled persondisinformationdroneeducation grantelderly personelectrical industryenergy transitionEU food chainEuropean Unionevaluation methodfinancial controlfinancial transparencyfisheries policyfishery researchforestry policygreen public procurementhydrogeninter-company cooperationinternational affairsinternational voluntary workerInternet of Thingsinvestment policyjob securitykey competenceslanguagelanguage teachingmachine learningmanagement of resourcesmaritime shippingmicroelectronicsmoney launderingoceanparticipatory democracypersonnel administrationphysical educationpostgraduate educationpublic procurementquality of liferegional investmentresearch staffretail traderoboticsrural developmentscientific researchsingle marketsocial mediasocial policysustainable agriculturesustainable economic growth strategyteacherteaching softwaretextile industrytourism policytraineeshipunemploymentvoluntary workwomen's rightsgreen economyToggle dropdown Organisers Associated African States and MadagascarEVTA - European Vocational Training AssociationGreek Public Employment Service – DYPASzegedi SZC Tóth János Mórahalmi Szakképző Iskola és Szilágyi KollégiumBUS-GoCircular projectGreen Skills Vaasa (Greenovet project)Hatay Mustafa Kemal UniversityInstitute Mihailo Pupin, Science and Technology Policy Research Centre (STPRC)MEDEF CorseMEDEF RéunionPowiatowy Urząd Pracy w KartuzachQ-PLAN INTERNATIONALUNI - ACCREDIA - Conforma - ASSOTICUniser Soc Coop OnlusMura di Porta Galliera 1/2A, IT 40126 BolognaE-mail:"DAYANA-X” Ltd.Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (AIE) as AI-NURECC Plus partner, and with the cooperation of the project's coordinator, the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime RegionsAECA AIBA - Agentur für Internationale AngelegenheitenAKMI MSA - AKMI International DepartmentAlliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS)Alliance Villes EmploiANPCDEFP - RO01APRE, Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea Architects Council of EuropeAssociation of Employers of Odesa RegionAssociation pour l'emploi des cadresBlue Generation Project (funded by Norway/EEA Grants)C2RP - CARIF OREF Hauts-de-France3 boulevard de Belfort59000 LILLECENTOFORMCentre d´Études Avancées en Éducation et Développement DurableCentre InffoCentro di Documentazione Europea - GenovaCentro di documentazione europea Università di Bologna e Centro Europe Direct Emilia RomagnaCentro Nacional de Qualificação de Formadores (CNQF), IEFP, I.P e Centro para a Economia e Inovação Social (CEIS) Centros Europe Direct de: Andalucía Rural, Albacete, Asturias, Bilbao-Bizkaia, Campo de Gibraltar, CEIPREX-Extremadura, Provincia de Granada, Huelva y Comunidad de Madrid.CETMAR (Centro Tecnológico del Mar) CIFP Mendizabala LHIICité des Métiers de NamurCluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE)Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the Association of the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE)Confartigianato Imprese CONSORZIO PROMOS RICERCHECooperation Greek Public Employment Service – DYPA & University of Western MacedoniaCroatian Office for Creativity and InnovationCulTurMedia Legacoop; PrompoPA; INAPP - National institute for the Analysis of Public PoliciesDepartement Werk en Sociale EconomieDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionDirectorate-General for EnvironmentDLR Project Management Agency, Brussels OfficeDLR Project Management Agency, Brussels Office// Swiss Core// Mission of Switzerland to the EUDrottning Blankas Upper Secondary Schools and AcadeMedia Dublin Regional Skills Forum in partnership with SFA (Small Firms Association)Dundalk Chamber of Commerce & Dundalk Chamber SkillnetEARLALL - European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong LearningECEGECEG, Ceemet & industriAll European trade unionEconomic centre of Osijek-Baranya county Ecorys, Technical Secretariat of the High Level Construction ForumEducation for Climate CoalitionEfVETElectrohold BulgariaEmilia MoldovanEPALE DenmarkEPALE Wallonie-Bruxelles et l’AEF-EuropeEscola de Comércio de LisboaETAP - Escola Tecnológico, Artístico e Profissional de PombalEThe event is organized in partnership by Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe cartianu from Piatra Neamt Romania as a sending school and Ataturk MTAL from Izmir Turkey as a host school .EUCENEurochambres EuroCommerceEuropean Association for the Education of AdultsEuropean Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)European Association of Remote Sensing CompaniesEuropean CommissionEuropean Commission GPP HelpdeskEuropean Grants International Academy - EGInAEuropean Health Management Association (EHMA)European Platform for Urban GreeningEuropean Training FoundationEuropean Vocational Training Association - EVTAEfVETEuropean Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)EuropêcheFEDARENE - European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and EnvironmentFinnova FoundationFmts Experience, member of the FMTS group, is a Training Center located in the South of Italy, working to foster VET skills through international experiences abroad. Since 2019 the company is coordinator of the Overstep Project, a pilot intiative to develForética - Spanish leading mutli stakeholder network on sustainabilityFrance compétences France StratégieFU-TOURISMFUNDACIO PRIVADA TRINIJOVEGaziantep Private Sanko SchoolsGéontopôle AURA Goethe-Institut Brussels and European Policy CentreGoogle Denmark Green Skills Vaasa (Greenovet project)Green Skills Vaasa ( Greenovet project)Green Skills Vaasa and VamiaGreen Tech SkillnetHandwerkskammer Niederbayern-OberpfalzHTL BulmeHuman Resource Development Authority of CyprusHuman Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA)IBM ITALY IBM Italy Spa and the Center for American StudiesINAPP - National institute for the Analysis of Public Policies; Eurodesk Italy; Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"INOVA+, INNOVATION SERVICES S.A.Inspectoratul Școlar Județean AradInstitute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and TrainingISEKI Food AssociationIspromay srlJärva County Vocational CentreLearningPlanet Alliance LHF SkillnetLiceul de Arte "Ionel Perlea"Liceul de Turism si Alimentatie "Dumitru Motoc ", GalatiLiceul Tehnologic "Grigore C. Moisil" BUZAULifelong Learning PlatformMalta Sociological Association (MSA)Marine Cluster BulgariaMEDEFMIDAS IrelandMinistry of Culture and InnovationMinistry of Culture and Innovation - HungaryMinistry of Culture and Innovation HungaryMinistry of Education in NRWMinistry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social PolicyMinistry of Labour/ Ministère du TravailMinistry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational and Technical EducationMinistry of the Environment, Climate and EnergyMovetiaMTU and SkillnetNational Agency for Vocational Education and TrainingNational Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL)National Skills Council National University "Lviv Polytechnic" in cooperation with the Lviv Employment Centre.NBS EduWORLDNGO "Energy and Innovation DniproHub"Nordisk Netværk for Voksnes Læring – NVLOeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation - in collaboration with AMSOsnovna šola dr. Jožeta Pučnika Črešnjevecoundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, Union of Municipalities of Cyprus, the Cyprus Human Resources Development AuthorityPIACENZA EXPO SPAPoliS-Lombardia - Regional Institute for Policy Support of Lombardy was founded on 2018 and its mission is to provide service and support for the implementation (and evaluation) of policies for the Region as a whole.Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (KPMPC)Rannís/The Icelandic Centre for Research: Erasmus+ National AgencyRegional Council of Nouvelle-AquitaineRegional Representation of the European Commission in Munich, Europäische Akademie Bayern, Akademie für politische Bildung, Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische BildungsarbeitReseau Solidaire et Participatif (RESOPA)Retail Ireland SkillnetRREUSERuraltour European Federation of Rural Tourism - Cyprus Agrotourism Company - Samsung Electronics Romania, in partnership with youth NGOSecondary school Ivana Meštrovića Drniš Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE)Single Market Forum Conference (SIMFO)Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE)Social Innovation Solutions in partnership with EUROPE DIRECT Râșnov, Miele, Primăria Municipiului Brașov, Filarmonica Brașov, Voluntariat Brașov, Consiliul Elevilor din Brașov, 5togo, Consolid8, The Entrepreneurship Academy, Romanian Business Leaders, TeSOLAS, the national authority for Further Education & Training in IrelandSOŠ pro administrativu Evropské unieSOU Gjorche PetrovSpacebuzz Hungary Education Support, Climate and Environment Public Benefit Foundation.Srednja strukovna škola kralja Zvonimira KninState institution of higher education "UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT"National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of UkraineState Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERISzolnoki SZC Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Technikum és Szakképző IskolaTech Northwest SkillnetThe Association of Sculpturepark Naestved Harbor PromenadeThe Belgium Presidency of the Council of the European UnionThe BILT project (Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET)- BILT is a peer learning platform for TVET providers in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe. BILT is jointly run by the German Federal Institute for Technical and Vocational Education (BIBB) and UNEThe BILT project is implemented by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.The CHARTER Alliance & The Irish Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage The County Council of Vestland (Norway), West Norway office, University of Bergen Brussels officeThe Danish National Agency for Erasmus+The Mission of Norway to the EU and the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skillsthe Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan)This conference is organized jointly between the ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, and the Social-Economic Council of the Netherlands.Training and methodological centre for vocational education in Zaporizhzhia regionULiège ConcertESUniversité Grenoble AlpesUniversity of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland: the Council of Scientific Clubs of UITM, the Science Department and EUROPE DIRECT Rzeszów and Enterprise Europe NetworkVarna University of Management, Culinary Arts InstituteVIA AZUL CARREIRAS AZUIS - SARDINHA e RUIVO LDAWindEuropeWindeuropeYoung Leaders in Energy & Sustainability EuropeYouth Office of the Municipality of GaiaYOUTHShare Project & Cowork4YOUTH Project Common Event, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social ResearchZavod RS za zaposlovanje - Employment Service of Slovenia (PES)„Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in ForestryToggle dropdown Venue 1B Rue Jean Chatel, Saint-Denis, La Réunion1B Rue Jean Chatel, Saint-Denis, La Réunion2 Anavissou Steet, 2025, Strovolos, Cyprus2 Rue du cinéma, 75001 Paris2A Adam Mickiewicz Str. Sofia 6 rue Général Audran, 92400, Courbevoie8 Av. des Sciences, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette8 boulevard Victor Hugo 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine9 Place d'Iéna, 75016 Paris12 Stepana Bandera Street, Lviv, Ukraine, 7900013 Didrichsona St., building 4, conference hall, Odesa13A, Oborishte Str. Varna 900020 Avenue de Ségur - 75007 PARIS52 A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, Kyiv, Ukraine55 Avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris, France 63-81 Calea Victoriei 1055, Budapest, Báthory utca 10.1055, Budapest, Honvéd utca-13-15.1055, Budapest, Honvéd utca 13-15.6782 Mórahalom, Dosztig köz 3.6782 Mórahalom, Dosztig köz 3.AgroParisTech, Paris, FranceAlba Accademia AlberghieraAmphitheater of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZEP Area, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani Arad, str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 26 Ataturk Meslekive Teknik Anadolu LisesiAtalay Cd. 52, Karabaglar, 35400 İzmir, TurkeyAthens Greece Syntagma SquareAthens University of Economics and Business (AUEB): Oktovriou 28, 10434, AthensA través de ZoomAuditório da Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM)Avenida Eng.º Bonnevile Franco, 2770-058 Paço de Arcos - PortugalAuditório Maestro Cesário CostaRua Delfim Lima - Fórum de Cidadania de Canelas4410-231,Canelas, Vila Nova de GaiaAula (Conference Center) & Central Library – University Politehnica Bucharest (UPB) – BucharestAv. d'Auderghem 22, 1040 Bruxelles, BelgiumAvenida de Brasília, Edifício FOR-MAR, Pedrouços Ballygarry House Hotel, Tralee, Co. KerrybarcelonaBarcelonaBarcelonaBarcelona World Trade CenterBariBEC – Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Bilbao, SpainBelgrade, Kneza Milosa 12Berlaymont BerlinBern, Haus der Universität, Schlösslistrasse 5Bezuidenhoutseweg 602594 AW The HagueThe NetherlandsBologna, Piazza del Nettuno, 3 SalaborsaBOLOGNAOpificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 1440133 Bologna, ITALYBorggata 2BBrasov, Sala Patria, Str. 15 Noiembrie 50ABrest Expo, Parc des Expositions de PenfeldBrøndby Stadion 30BrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrussels, 17 Rue Archimède Brussels, BelgiumBrussels, European ParliamentBrussels, Thon Hotel, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels (Belgium)Brussels - the Egg (Rue Bara 175, 1070 Anderlecht) BrusselsAv. des Arts 56Brussels Press Club Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels, BelgiumBruxellesBucharestBucharest, Romanian American University, Bd. Expoziției, Nr. 1B, Sector 1Bucharest - Politehnica University of Bucharest (Splaiul Independenței 313, București 060042, Romania)c/o Torre Gavetone, S.P S.S. 16 Molfetta -Giovinazzo, km 780Calle Portal de Lasarte 23, 01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava), SpainCampus-Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, AustriaCampus universitaireSaint-Martin-D'HèresFranceCastletroy Park Hotel, LimerickCCD Congress Center DüsseldorfCedefop - European Centre for the development of vocational trainingCentre de Réadaptation de Mulhouse Centrum Kultury "Spichlerz" w Żukowie, ul. 3 Maja 9C.Centrum Kultury "Spichlerz" w Żukowie, ul. 3 Maja 9C.Chambres des métiers , 2 circuit de la foire Internationale, 1347 LuxembourgCICCOPN - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Norte Rua da Espinhosa CIFP Mendizabala LHIIcity: Prilepaddress: Brakja Miladinovci, Prilep 7500Clerrmont-FerrandCOMECE Secretariat, BrusselsCorse, FranceCPH Conference i DGI ByenTietgensgade 651704 CopenhagenČrešnjevecCultural Center,Platres Village, CyprusDelegation of the European Commission to BarcelonaDG MAREDidlaukio str. 84, LT-08303 VilniusDnipro, UkraineDrniš Poljana 1 22320 Drniš Hrvatska Dublin 2Dublin online open to SME businessDundalkEESCEFdeN Sustainability CityEmilia-Romagna Region - Delegation to the EU EPAS & IEK of Lamia, Stylidos 93, 351 33 Megali Vrysi Phthiotida, GreeceETAP - Escola Tecnológico, Artístico e Profissional de Pombal.Avenida Vasco da GamaParque Industrial Manuel da Mota3100-354 PombalEverywhere in the world and online Flanders Meeting & Convention Center AntwerpAstridplein 20, 2018 AntwerpenGalati, 15, Milcov StreetGalerija Emanuel Vidović, Poljana kraljice Jelene 1, Split, CroatiaGalwayGAZIANTEPGenovaGenova, Università degli Studi di Genova, Aula Magna, via Balbi, 5Gesellschaftshaus „Casino“, Reitenbergerova 53, 353 01 MarienbadGjergj Canco SchoolGospodarski centar, Gospodarska zona 10, 31 000 Osijek Grand HotelGraz, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020Hamar KulturhusHamburgHäme EU Office Häme EU Office Hatay Mustafa Kemal UniversityHelsingborgHiša EU, Dunajska cesta 20, Ljubljana, and online via Zoom (with interpretation into EN)Hotel Continental Forum, Str. Izvor 82-84, cod 050564, București, RomâniaHotel SheratonUlica kneza Borne 2, 10 000 ZagrebHouse of IndustryHoutenIbec, 84-86 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin, D02 H720Kalevi 9, Türi linn, Türi vald, JärvamaaKároly Róbert út 2.Kartause Mauerbach Kongresni trg, LjubljanaKonyaKriva PalankaKungsgatan 1, 252 21 HelsingborgKupiškisKursaal, Kornhausstrasse 3, 3013 BernL'Alchimistel'Espace Charenton, 327 Rue de Charenton, 75012 ParisL42 business CenterLamot Conference CentreVan Beethovenstraat 82800 MechelenLaoisLeather Cluster Barcelona Adoberia Bella DirecciónLetterkennyLiceul Tehnologic "Grigore C. Moisil", Buzau, Str. Aleea Afinelor nr. 7, ROMANIA, cod 120030Ljubljana, Hotel Mons LjubljanaLungo Lario Trieste, 54/56, 22100, ComoLyrath Estate Hotel, Paulstown Road, Lyrath, Kilkenny, R95 F685Mağaracık, Samandağ, HATAY-TÜRKIYEMaison de la Poste MalmöMarcq-en-BaroeulLa cité des échanges 40 Rue Eugène Jacquet59700 Marcq-en-BarœulMediterranean Hotel MEWA ArenaM hotel, Derčeva 4, 1000 Ljubljana, SlovenijaMilano, Auditorium Giorgio Gaber, Palazzo Pirelli, Piazza Duca d'Aosta, 3Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place Luxembourg 1, 1050 BrusselsMission of Switzerland to the EU, Place Luxembourg 1, 1050 BrusselsMont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles, BelgiumMórahalom, Szilágyi Mihály utca 2, 6782Municipal Sports and Recreation Center. Hutnicza 15, 37-450 Stalowa WolaNamur - Place Saint-AubainNauthóll, ReykjavíkNocera Umbra PG, ItalyNorway House, Rue Archimède 17, BrusselsNouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, 14, rue François de Sourdis, 33000 BORDEAUXNovi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 11Novodelskogo Str., 64, Odesa, 65023Odense, Odeons kvarter 1, 5000Old Town Hall of Nicosia Municipality, Constantinou Paleologou, Nicosia 1011 OnlineONLINEonlineOnlineOnlineonlineOnlineonlineOnlineOnlineonlineOnline (12.00 PM CET)Online, 2 to 4 PM CETOnline EU wideOnline EU wide Online eventOpificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 1440133 Bologna (IT)Parc du Cinquantenaire 11, 1000 BruxellesParisParliament room and CaféCowork at Silversquare EuropeSquare de Meeûs 35, 1000 BrusselsPiatra-Neamt, str. Alexandru cel Bun nr. 19Piazza del Viminale 1, 00184 RomaPlace Stéphanie 20, 1050 BrusselsPokrovska str.28, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69063Portimão, AlgarvePorto Palácio Hotel by The EditoryAv. da Boavista, 12694100-130 Porto Portugal+351 226 086 60041.158989, -8.638760 | 41º 9' 32.36" N, 8º 38' 19.536" W Vice-Almirante Augusto de Castro Guedes 51, 1800-341 Lisboa, PortugalRemoteRemote event Representación de la Comisión Europea en España, Paseo de la Castellana 46, MadridResidence of the Italian Ambassador in Belgium - Avenue Legrand 41A, 1050, BruxellesRobert-Koch-GymnasiumRodon Mount Hotel & Resort, Rodou 1, Agros, 4860Roma- Palazzo BrancaccioRoma - Roma, Corso d'Italia 33Rome (Italy), Center for American StudiesRome (ITALY) - SenateSala Zuccari, Palazzo Giustiniani, Via della Dogana Vecchia, 29Rome (ITALY) - SenateSala Zuccari, Palazzo Giustiniani, Via della Dogana Vecchia, 29Royal Museums of Fine Arts Rue de la Régence 3, 1000 BruxellesRue de la Loi / Wetstraat 227, 1040 - Brussel·lesRue Froissart 95, 1000 BrusselsRue Louvrex, 14, Bât: N14000 LIEGEBelgiumRue Philippe Le Bon 15, 1000 Brussels Rue Victor Oudart 7, 1030 Brussels RUHRturmSala dell’Abbazia di Rosazzo, Manzano (Udine) - 33044SantanderSara Kulturhus, SkellefteåSheraton Rhodes ResortSheraton Rhodes ResortŠiauliaiSilversquare Europe, Square de Meeûs 35, BrusselsSkopje, Drezdenska 52Slobozia, Str Mihai Eminescu, nr.3Slovak RepublicSofia, "Novotel Sofia", 115 H Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd.SOŠ pro administrativu Evropské unieLipí 1911193 00 Praha 9SPAZIO EUROPASpazio EuropaSQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Mont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles (Floor 3, room 310) Štajerska Gospodarska Zbornica, Ulica talcev 24, 2000 Maribor (predavalnica)Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center - Syggrou Avenue 364, 17674 Kallithea GreeceStockholm, Brahegatan 10TampereTechnical Chamber of Greece/Department of the Western Macedonia, Estias 3, 50100, KozaniTechnical University ”Ghe. Asachi” Iași - Aula Carmen Silvae” THE PRINTWORKSDUBLIN CASTLECASTLE STREETDUBLIN 2D02 V8R2The Sculpture Park at the harbor of Naestved, DenmarkThon Hotel Thon Hotel EUTimisoara, Ulpia Traiana 2 Trnava, Daxnerova 6, 917 92Turm auf DuxUN Campus, BonnPlatz der Vereinten Nationen 1 · 53113 Bonn UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen, Bonn University of Rome "Tor Vergata"University of Vaasa, Ankkuri (old Tritonia), Nissi auditorium K218, Wolffintie 32, 65101 VaasaUniversity of Western Macedonia, Urban Planning Zone (ZEP) in Kozani GreeceVaasa, FinlandUniversity of Vaasa, Ankkuri (old Tritonia), Nissi auditorium K218VallettaVamia, Sepänkyläntie 16, 65100 VaasaVamia Vocational CollegeRuutikellarintie 2, 65100 Vaasa, FinlandVamia Vocational CollegeRuutikellarintie 465100 Vaasa, FinlandVarna, Yunashki salon, 1910 Hristo Botev Blvd.VenueVenueVia Francesco Maria Alias, 20 via Paolo Nanni Costa, 14 - BolognaViareggioVia Tirotti, 11, 29122 Piacenza PCViennaVigo: CETMAR, Rúa Eduardo Cabello s/nVoie Romaine, 20137 Porto-VecchioVzdělávací institut pro Moravu, Hybešova 15, Brno; Hrad ŠpilberkWithin the borders of Hungary and in Hungarian schools and institutions abroad. Wood Hotel by Elite, World Trade Center Barcelona (1ª Planta Edif. Este, Moll de Barcelona, s/n, 08039)Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Klub Akademicki IQ, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów Zagrebački velesajam, Avenija Dubrovnik 15, ZagrebZejtun.Τhessaloniki, ΟK!Thess, Komotinis 2, 546 55 Τhessaloniki,ΟK!Thess, Komotinis 2, 546 55 Toggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Countries BelgiumBulgariaCzechiaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaIrelandGreeceSpainFranceCroatiaItalyCyprusLithuaniaLuxembourgHungaryMaltaNetherlandsAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSloveniaSlovakiaFinlandSwedenIcelandLiechtensteinNorth MacedoniaNorwaySan MarinoSerbiaSwitzerlandTürkiyeUkraineToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events and Activities (354) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Status Past Upcoming and ongoing Subject green economy 28-29Nov2024Conferences and summitsGreen Matrix SummitCroatiaCountriesCroatia14-15Nov2024Training and workshops2024 eucen Autumn Seminar - Skills for a greener future: the role of University Lifelong LearningSpainCountriesSpain16-20Sep2024Conferences and summitsCreative Skills Week 2024CountriesNetherlands20Jun2024Conferences and summitsStrong partnerships for the future skillsCountriesRomania11Jun2024Conferences and summitsPanel on youth participation in policymaking for European Sustainable Energy Week 2024BelgiumCountriesBelgium06Jun2024Conferences and summitsXplore Job Discover the careers of the future in the construction sectorBelgiumCountriesBelgium05-07Jun2024Conferences and summitsEuropean Health Management Conference 2024 - ''Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems''RomaniaCountriesRomania23May2024Conferences and summitsSHAPING THE FUTURE: EMERGING SKILLS FOR A SUSTAINABLE EU PROCESS INDUSTRYCountriesGermany23May2024Conferences and summitsFair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies in the Danube RegionCountriesAustria22-23May2024Conferences and summitsStronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied UniversitiesAustriaCountriesAustria 1Page 123...36Next
14-15Nov2024Training and workshops2024 eucen Autumn Seminar - Skills for a greener future: the role of University Lifelong LearningSpainCountriesSpain
11Jun2024Conferences and summitsPanel on youth participation in policymaking for European Sustainable Energy Week 2024BelgiumCountriesBelgium
06Jun2024Conferences and summitsXplore Job Discover the careers of the future in the construction sectorBelgiumCountriesBelgium
05-07Jun2024Conferences and summitsEuropean Health Management Conference 2024 - ''Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems''RomaniaCountriesRomania
23May2024Conferences and summitsFair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies in the Danube RegionCountriesAustria
22-23May2024Conferences and summitsStronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied UniversitiesAustriaCountriesAustria