Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsTraining and workshopsExpert meetingsInfo daysCompetitions and award ceremoniesExhibitionsPartner meetingsCampaign launchesPublic debatesVisitsToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject skills anticipation and matchingupdating of skillsdigital skillslabour marketadult educationin-service traininggreen economyvocational educationcompetitivenesshuman developmentlearningEU financingeducational guidanceyouth employmentcontinuing educationinvestmentrecognition of studiessmall and medium-sized enterprisesrecognition of vocational training qualificationsthird countryrecognition of diplomasgreen investmentprofessional qualificationspublic-private partnershipEU policymigrationfinancial skillsdigital transformationentrepreneurshiplabour forceteacher trainingfund (EU)higher educationapprenticeshipEU investmentproject managementsustainable developmentcybersecuritydigital technologylabour mobilityyoung personyouth unemploymentadultinnovationartificial intelligencehealth care professioninclusionlanguage skillssocial partnersworking conditionseducation policyemployment policyentrepreneurgender equalityrecruitmentsocial analysissocial economystudent mobilityyouth policycircular economyclimate changedefence industryeducational systememployabilityfood industrymetallurgical industrymusicnew technologynon-formal educationpublic investmenttourismuniversityapplied sciencesawardbuilding industrycultural organisationdefence policyeconomic analysiseducational exchangeelectrical engineeringemployment serviceEU financial instrumentEuropean citizenshipfree movement of workersgreen infrastructureintegration of migrantslogisticsmechanical engineeringmigration policymutual recognition principlepolicy analysisschool-industry relationsschool lifeteaching curriculumteaching qualityaccess to EU informationaccess to informationadaptation to climate changeaeronautical industryaerospace industryAfrica-EU partnershiparchitectureautomobilebasic educationbasic researchbiologybiotechnologybusiness policybusiness start-upcoastal and maritime tourismcommunications industrycommunications systemscorporate social responsibilitycosmetics industrycultural heritageculture industrydairy productiondemocracydigital contentdisabled persondisinformationdroneeducation grantelderly personelectrical industryenergy transitionEU food chainEuropean Unionevaluation methodfinancial controlfinancial transparencyfisheries policyfishery researchforestry policygreen public procurementhydrogeninter-company cooperationinternational affairsinternational voluntary workerInternet of Thingsinvestment policyjob securitykey competenceslanguagelanguage teachingmachine learningmanagement of resourcesmaritime shippingmicroelectronicsmoney launderingoceanparticipatory democracypersonnel administrationphysical educationpostgraduate educationpublic procurementquality of liferegional investmentresearch staffretail traderoboticsrural developmentscientific researchsingle marketsocial mediasocial policysustainable agriculturesustainable economic growth strategyteacherteaching softwaretextile industrytourism policytraineeshipunemploymentvoluntary workwomen's rightsvocational trainingreskillingToggle dropdown Organisers Associated African States and MadagascarGreek Public Employment Service – DYPAINAPP - National institute for the Analysis of Public PoliciesElectrohold BulgariaMinistry of Culture and InnovationNorwegian Directorate for Higher Education and SkillsSkupnost-VSSCedefopCIOFS-FP ETSDenizli Chamber of CommerceDIGITALEUROPEESSA Software Skills ProjectEfVETEscola de Comércio de LisboaEVTA - European Vocational Training AssociationFmts Experience, member of the FMTS group, is a Training Center located in the South of Italy, working to foster VET skills through international experiences abroad. Since 2019 the company is coordinator of the Overstep Project, a pilot intiative to develGreek Public Employment Service - DYPAGreen Skills Vaasa (Greenovet project)Ministry of National EducationNordiskt ValideringsforumPowiatowy Urząd Pracy w KartuzachRegional Representation of the European Commission in MunichThe Wheel and NALAUniser Soc Coop OnlusMura di Porta Galliera 1/2A, IT 40126 BolognaE-mail: teacherweek@uniser.netWest Regional Skills ForumWSEI University"European Youth Information and Counselling Agency "Abodoo LimitedACCIÓ Agency for Business Competitiveness - Government of CataloniaAECA AECIMAEDHE and Dirección del Área Territorial Madrid-Este de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de MadridAgence Française ERASMUS + (équipe des experts E+ EFP)Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e FormaçãoAK Salzburg, SIOV, CECOA, FORMA.Azione, Regione UmbriaAlbanianSkillsAlbanian Skills -National Association for Skills Competitions; Europe House in Albania; Mihal Shahini VET School Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS)Alliance Villes EmploiAlytaus profesinio rengimo centrasAPRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca EuropeaAR.CO.S soc. coop a rlASSETs+ ProjectAssociation for Entrepreneurial CzechiaAssociation Transitions Pro Île-de-FranceATECAviation SkillnetBecodeBoulouki - Itinerant workshop for the traditional building techniquesBursa Coşkunöz Education FoundationC2RP - CARIF OREF des Hauts-de-FranceC2RP - CARIF OREF Hauts-de-France3 boulevard de Belfort59000 LILLECampus des Métiers et des Qualifications d'excellence Industrie du futur OccitanieCEC-Acting for Social InclusionCedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingCenter for Skilled Labor and Decent Work in Saxony (ZEFAS)Center of human resources development and regional initiavesCENTOFORMCentre-Val de Loire RegionCentre IFAPME de CharleroiCentre IFAPME de PerwezCentre InffoCentro de Formação Profissional das Pescas e do MarCentro di documentazione europea Università di Bologna e Centro Europe Direct Emilia RomagnaCentro Nacional de Qualificação de Formadores (CNQF), IEFP, I.P e Centro para a Economia e Inovação Social (CEIS) Centros Europe Direct de: Andalucía Rural, Albacete, Asturias, Bilbao-Bizkaia, Campo de Gibraltar, CEIPREX-Extremadura, Provincia de Granada, Huelva y Comunidad de Madrid.Chamber of Trades and Crafts/ Business OrganisationChamber of Trades and Crafts ZagrebCIPFP Ciutat de l'AprenentCluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE)CNOS-FAP (Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane - Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale) CONEDUConsiliul Municipal al Elevilor BucureștiConsortia: Creative Estonia; Nordic Council Ministry office in Estonia; Erasmus+ project "Creative Digital Transformation"( PROMOS RICERCHECooperation Greek Public Employment Service – DYPA & University of Western MacedoniaCRIG-HelmoCroatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK)CYPRUS YOUTH COUNCILCyprus Youth CouncilCzech National Agency for International Education and Research Dairy Science Centre of Excellence, University College Cork and Taste 4 Success SkillnetDepartment of Education and Science of ZaporizhzhiaRegional Government, Scientific and Methodological Centre for Vocational Education and Training Centre in Zaporizhzhia Region.DFHERIS Regional Skills West Sales Professionals NetworkDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionDirectorate-General for EnvironmentDirectorate General for VET - Regional Ministry of Education - Government of CataloniaDirectorate General of Vocational and Technical EducationDistrict Labour Office in JaworznoDLR Project Management Agency, Brussels OfficeDLR Project Management Agency, Brussels Office// Swiss Core// Mission of Switzerland to the EUDNIPRO CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF TOURIST SERVICESState vocational educational institutionDTEK PAVLOHRADCOAL PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (DTEK PAVLOHRADCOAL PRJSC)Dublin Regional Skills Forum in partnership with SFA (Small Firms Association)Dům zahraniční spolupráceEARLALL - European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong LearningECEG, Ceemet & industriAll European trade unionEDC of Central Library of National research CouncilElectroholdEmilia MoldovanEPALE Wallonie-Bruxelles et l’AEF-EuropeErasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Agency, Education and Youth BoardErasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA)Escola Profissional de Torres Novas (Professional School of Torres Novas)ETAP - Escola Tecnológico, Artístico e Profissional de PombalETF, AllDigitalEThe event is organized in partnership by Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe cartianu from Piatra Neamt Romania as a sending school and Ataturk MTAL from Izmir Turkey as a host school .EUCENEU House - RigaEURACTIVEuropean Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)European Basic Skills Network (in cooperation with the University of Pécs)European School Heads AssociationEuropean Vocational Training AssociationEurope Direct Montagna VenetaEurope Direct Montagna Veneta from GAL Prealpi e DolomitiEUROPE DIRET VidzemeExpocity Albania Fab City FoundationFCSF (French Federation of Social Centres)FederalberghiFinnova FoundationFONDAZIONE ALTAGAMMA Forum Nazionale del Terzo SettoreFoundation for the Development of the Education SystemFrance compétences French-German Chamber of Commerce and IndustryFrench German Chamber of Commerce and IndustryFrench national agency and more specifically the national VET teamFundación Estatal para la Formación en el EmpleoFUNDACIO PRIVADA TRINIJOVEFundația WorldSkills RomaniaGerman Chamber of Commerce and IndustryGerman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft BentheimGoogle Denmark Green Skills Vaasa (Greenovet project)Green Skills Vaasa ( Greenovet project)Green Skills Vaasa and VamiaHamburg Music Business e.V.Handwerkskammer Niederbayern-OberpfalzHaut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (Hcéres)HEC-ULiège - Digital LabHELHaHellenic Economic Library NetworkHeyJobs GmbHHigher Sp. z o,o,hOformHTL BulmeIFAPME Centre in Libramontifo Institute for Economic research, Munich, GermanyINAPI ANTENNA REFORMED aisbl in partnership with the NationalProfessionnal Federation of Naturopathy from Italia INAPPINCREASIndusrie- und Handelskammer IHK Ulm Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ulm Information MappingInnopharma EducationINOVA+, INNOVATION SERVICES S.A.INSIGNARE - Associação de Ensino e FormaçãoInspectoratul Școlar Județean AradInstituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, IPIstituto di Istruzione Superiore "Lorenzo Cobianchi"Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and CraftsJobatKajaani University of Applied SciencesKlaipeda Tourism SchoolLaboratorio Immagine Donna (Company compiling the form T-HAP LTD)Learning Waves SkillnetLHF SkillnetMalta Sociological Association (MSA)Ministère de l'Education nationale - Bureau des lycées professionnels, de l'apprentissage et de la formation professionnelle continueMinistry of Culture and Innovation - HungaryMinistry of Education and ResearchMinistry of Education and Vocational Training, SpainMinistry of Education MontenegroMinistry of Labour/ Ministère du TravailMinistry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational and Technical EducationMinistry of national education and youthMOUVEMENT DES ENTREPRISES DE FRANCE - Auvergne-Rhône-AlpesMovetiaMundusNational Agency for Vocational Education and TrainingNational Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL)National Qualifications AgencyNational qualifications AgencyNational reference centre for administration, insurance and finance (CRN Fuencarral)National Technical University "Dnipro Politechnics" National University "Lviv Polytechnic" in cooperation with the Lviv Employment Centre.National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic"NGO "Energy and Innovation DniproHub"NGO "Expert Intersectoral Association of Ukraine" in cooperation with National Qualifications AgencyNiğde Provincial Directorate of National Education & Niğde Şehit Fazıl Doğruöz Vocational and Technical SchoolNordisk Netværk for Voksnes Læring – NVLNovice Educator Support and Training (NEST) NTI Gymnasietr SwedenOCAPIATOmnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo RegionOpen University of CyprusOpinlakeus oppilaitosverkostoOpinno italyOSENGOOSENGO EUROPEoundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, Union of Municipalities of Cyprus, the Cyprus Human Resources Development AuthorityPiarista Kilátó Központ és Nagyvállaltok Logisztikai Vezetőinek KlubjaPlattform ErwachsenenbildungPowiatowy Urząd Pracy w Lęborku Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (KPMPC)Randstad Italia SpARede Portuguesa de Responsabilidade Social (RSO.PT)Regional Council of Nouvelle-AquitaineRegional Representation of the European Commission in Munich, Europäische Akademie Bayern, Akademie für politische Bildung, Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische BildungsarbeitRégion Centre Val de LoireRetail Ireland SkillnetRuraltour European Federation of Rural Tourism - Cyprus Agrotourism Company - School of Economics Mijo Mirković RijekaSCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland Secondary school Ivana Meštrovića Drniš Seniores Italia Lazio OdVServicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE)Skills FinlandSkupnost- VSSSOLAS (Irish: An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna) SOŠ pro administrativu Evropské unieSpanish Presidency of the Council of the European UnionSrednja strukovna škola kralja Zvonimira KninState Education Development Agency (VIAA)State institution of higher education"University of Educational Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of UkraineState Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERISTEM South WestSzegedi SZC Tóth János Mórahalmi Szakképző Iskola és Szilágyi KollégiumSzolnoki SZC Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Technikum és Szakképző IskolaT-HAP LTDTECHNIFUTURTechnology industries Employers' associationTechnology Industries of FinlandTehnička škola "Drvo art"Teknologiateollisuus ryThe Association of Sculpturepark Naestved Harbor PromenadeThe BILT project (Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET)- BILT is a peer learning platform for TVET providers in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe. BILT is jointly run by the German Federal Institute for Technical and Vocational Education (BIBB) and UNEThe BILT project is implemented by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.The Estonian Qualifications Authority/EPALE National Support Service in Estonia, the Estonian Association of Adult Trainers Andras and the Estonian Association of Training and Consultancy CompaniesThe Joint Authory of Education in Espoo Region – OmniaThe Lisbon CouncilCo-organised by the European Network for Science Centres and Museums (Ecsite)The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and SkillsThe Regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts from Rijeka-Primorje CountyThe Romanian Hotel Industry Federation and the Association of Tourism Teachers and Mentors "Edu4Tourism"The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational EducationTomasz Klenczar Technical School No. 15 in KatowiceTraining and methodological centre for vocational education in Zaporizhzhia regionTVE (Spanish television)Ukrainian Academy of SciencesUNESCO-UNEVOC and BIBBUniversity of applied sciences, GentUniversity of GenoaURBALAB Gandia.VIA AZUL CARREIRAS AZUIS - SARDINHA e RUIVO LDAVilniaus komunalinių paslaugų mokyklaVocational School Cior. Voivodship Labour Office in OlsztynWaag Futurelab, Hout- en Meubilerings CollegeWalgaWest Regional SkillsWindeuropeWorldSkills Romania, Colegiul Tehnic Carol I, Porsche Inter Auto Romania BucureștiWorldSkills Romania, Colegiul UCECOM Spiru Haret BucureștiWorldSkills Romania, FANUC RomâniaWorldSkills Romania, Hofag Engineering, AutodeskWorldSkills Romania, Liceul Tehnologic Dragomir HurmuzescuWorldSkills SwedenWorldSkills Sweden Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU International)Youth Office of the Municipality of GaiaZespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich in Iwonicz-ZdrójНационален експертен екип по професионално образование и обучение към Център за развитие на човешките ресурсиToggle dropdown Venue "Antuna Gustava Matoša 60 21000 Split""Avda da Cooperaçao, EDif. Indistrans, lote A1, tv. N2, 5400-673, Portugal Avd. de Portugal S/N, Feces de Abaixo, 32699, Verín (Ourense), Spain""city: Prilep address: Brakja Miladinovci, Prilep 7500""Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie 2e étage Rue du Trône 100 1050 BRUXELLES""Sofia 159 Tsarigradsko shosse buld.""Strasbourg, France European Youth Center Strasbourg 30 rue Pierre de Coubertin 67000 STRASBOURG "1 Place Adrien Zeller 1 Place Samuel Champlain 92400 COURBEVOIE2 Rue du cinéma, 75001 Paris2A Adam Mickiewicz Str. Sofia 6 rue Général Audran, 92400, Courbevoie8 boulevard Victor Hugo 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine9 Place d'Iéna, 75016 Paris12 Stepana Bandera Street, Lviv, Ukraine, 7900013 Didrichsona St., building 4, conference hall, Odesa19 Dmytro Yavornytskyi Ave.28 Pokrovska str., Zaporizhzhia,Ukraine 6906338-440 Iwonicz-Zdrój, ul. Piwarskiego 1948, 26th October, Thessaloniki 546 27 Greece50 rue Barthélémy de Laffemas – 26 000 Valence52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine60 Centros de FP63-100 Śrem, ul. Gostyńska 4984-300 Lębork ul. Gdańska 351055, Budapest, Honvéd utca-13-15.1055, Budapest, Honvéd utca-13-15.1055, Budapest, Honvéd utca 13-15.1138 Budapest, Szekszárdi u. 16-18. (Park Inn By Radisson Hotel): Allianz France, 1 cours Michelet - Tour Allianz One - 92076 Paris La DéfenseAachenAbituraAbsolute Institute of Technical EducationAgrigentoAlba Accademia AlberghieraAlba Iulia, Str Calarasilor Nr 2Alexanderstraße 11, Mitte, BerlinAllianz 1 cours Michelet - Tour Allianz One - 92076 Paris La Défense CedexAllianz Auditorium, 1 Cours Michelet, 92076 Paris-la-DéfenseAlytaus profesinio rengimo centro Varėnos profesinio mokymo skyrius, J. Basanavičiaus g. 1, VarėnaAmberExpoAnkaraArad, str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 26Aranytíz Kultúrház, 1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 10. Ataturk Meslekive Teknik Anadolu LisesiAtalay Cd. 52, Karabaglar, 35400 İzmir, TurkeyAthens University of Economics and Business (AUEB): Oktovriou 28, 10434, AthensA través de ZoomAudimax, FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020 Graz Auditório da Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM)Avenida Eng.º Bonnevile Franco, 2770-058 Paço de Arcos - PortugalAuditório do Campus da Escola NáuticaAuditório Maestro Cesário CostaRua Delfim Lima - Fórum de Cidadania de Canelas4410-231,Canelas, Vila Nova de GaiaAugusta Cesarca 4Aula-MagnaAurillac Autostrada Tirane-Durres (8km)AutoworldAv. d'Auderghem 22, 1040 Bruxelles, BelgiumAvenida de Brasília, Edifício FOR-MAR, Pedrouços Avenija Dubrovnik 15B. Khmelnytskoho St., 8/16, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01001Bacău CityBarcelonaBarcelonaBarcelonaBarcelonaBarcelona World Trade CenterBariBedford HotelBeneventoBergen, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Dreggsallmenningen 1, 5003 BergenBerlaymont BerlinBerlinBern, Haus der Universität, Schlösslistrasse 5Biblioteca Centrale "G. Marconi" - Consiglio Nazionale delle RicercheP.le Aldo Moro, 7 - 00185RomaBilbao, Galdakao, Torrelavega, Teruel, Los Arcos, Cartagena and there will be an international final in England.BluePoint LiègeBobov Dol, 43 Dimitar Blagoev str.Bologna, Piazza del Nettuno, 3 SalaborsaBOLOGNAOpificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 1440133 Bologna, ITALYBonnBordeaux, Agence ERASMUS+ , 9 rue des gamins, 33088 Bordeaux cedexBoulevard Charlemagne 28BratislavaBrøndby Stadion 30BruggeBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrussels, European ParliamentBrussels, the Renaissance Hotel (rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels). Brussels; Marriott Hotel Grand Place, Rue Auguste Orts 3-7, Brussels 1000BruxellesBucharestBucharestBucharestBucharest, Romanian American University, Bd. Expoziției, Nr. 1B, Sector 1Bucharest, Splaiul Independeței, 313Bulevardul Basarabia, nr. 256Bulevardul Pipera street, nr. 2,Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Prinz-Georg-Str. 106, 40479 DüsseldorfBursaBursa Organize Sanayi BölgesiCafe LuitpoldCafe MoskauCAIXAFORUMCalle del Príncipe de Vergara 74Campus-Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria Cara Dušana 23, 11158 Belgrade Carretera de Colmenar, km 13.800 en el Recinto Escolar San Fernando, 28049 MadridCastelldefels Centar GervaisCentre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)Centre IFAPME de Perwez - Rue des Dizeaux 6, 1360 PerwezCentro de Formación a AixolaCentro Direzionale ConfartigianatoCentro Direzionale Confartigianato Centro Europe Direct CórdobaCentrum Kultury "Spichlerz" w Żukowie, ul. 3 Maja 9C.Centrum Kultury "Spichlerz" w Żukowie, ul. 3 Maja 9C.CēsisCharlemagne Building, European CommissionCharleroi - Quai Arthur RimbaudChechelivska str. 6-a, DniproCICCOPN - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Norte Rua da Espinhosa CIFP Mendizabala LHIICIIRC, ČVUT, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Praha 6, CzechiaCirca, Seineweg 2, AmsterdamCIS-Tecnoloxía e Deseñocity: Prilepaddress: Brakja Miladinovci, Prilep 7500City Hall Ciudad del AprendizClermont-FerrandCluj County,CMBS, Business Leaders Hub, 160, Level 3, Triq L-Imdina, Ħaz-Zebbug, Central Region ZBG 9015 Coding for Tomorrow HubCOMECE Secretariat, BrusselsCometaCOMET LOUISEComplexe Emile Lacroix Cork City Hall, Anglesea Street Cork, Ireland.Corso d'Italia 33Corso d'Italia 33Corso Italia, 33 RomaCTCP – Portuguese Footwear Technological CentreCultural Center,Platres Village, CyprusCultural Center Saint-Thomas (Centre Culturel Saint-Thomas)2 Rue de la Carpe Haute, 67000 StrasbourgCyprus Productivity Centre, Vocational Training Sector Laboratories (ex Higher Technical Institute) NicosiaDaugaiDelegación Comisión EuropeaDelegation of the European Commission to BarcelonaDenizli Chamber of Commerce, Saraylar, Saltak Cd. No:5, 20010 Merkezefendi/DenizliMerkezefendi / Denizli / TÜRKİYE Digital Nation Hub BrasovDivani Caravel Hotel 2 Vassileos Alexandrou ave. 16121 Athens GreeceDnipro, UkraineDrniš Poljana 1 22320 Drniš Hrvatska DublinDublinDublinDublin online open to SME businessE6K - Square des Martyrs 1 6000 CharleroiWe Hive - Rue de la station 86, Enghien Economu Cezărescu street, nr. 47-59Edifício SiemensEduLab - APSEESCEESC Rue Van Maerlant 2 1040 Brussels - BelgiumElia Ermou Hotel (15-17 Ermou Street, 105 63 AthensEmilia-Romagna Region - Delegation to the EU En distancielEntrepreneurship Center of the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 8, Athens, GreeceEPAS Karditsas - 226 Trikalon Street, Karditsa 431 00, GreeceEPAS Larisa - Ermogenous 10, Larissa 414 47, GreeceEPAS Volou - Athens Avenue 64, Volos 383 34, GreeceEscola do Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de LisboaEskişehirEspace ClacquesinEspoon Metro Areena, Urheilupuistontie 3, 02120 EspooEspoo UrheilupuistoETAP - Escola Tecnológico, Artístico e Profissional de Pombal.Avenida Vasco da GamaParque Industrial Manuel da Mota3100-354 PombalEteläesplanadi 4, Helsinki, Finland ETF European Training FoundationEuropean Committee of the Regions Room JDE51 Rue Belliard 101, 1040 Bruxelles European Economic and Social Committee European ParliamentEurope Direct HannoverEvent will take place in 3 cities - 7/11/23 in Warsaw, 9/11/23 in Cracow and 16/11/23 in Wroclaw.FEPEMFerma 9, Hala 25FIERA DIDACTA - FORTEZZA DA BASSO Florence Former Primary School of Frasta, Frasta 47043FranceFraunhoferstraße 60Galerija Emanuel Vidović, Poljana kraljice Jelene 1, Split, CroatiaGalwayGalwayGandiaGandia. 6, San Vicente Ferrer st. 46702.GdańskGedimino g. 81, LT-82168 RadviliškisGeneral H. M. Berthelot street, nr. 46GenovaGenovaGermanyGesellschaftshaus „Casino“, Reitenbergerova 53, 353 01 MarienbadGraz, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020HamburgHamburg GermanyHäme EU Office Headquarters of the Emilia-Romagna RegionHerman Teirlinck Building Havenlaan 88 1000 BrusselsHMC Amsterdam Hôtel CIS Paris Ravel Hotel Il Gabbiano - Viale dei Micenei 65 Marina di Pulsano (TA)Hotel NH Brussels EU Berlaymont, BrusselsHotel nhow Brussels BloomHotel Occidental Prague, Na Strži 1660/32,140 00 Prague 4House of IndustryHoutenHuman Biology Building, University of GalwayIbec, 84-86 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin, D02 H720IHK Region Stuttgart, Jägerstraße 30, 70174 StuttgartIHK zu DüsseldorfIndustry training center "WM ZDZ"ItalyİzmirJaworznickie Laboratorium BiznesuJaworzno, ul. Boczna 7K KajaaniKároly Róbert út 2.Kartause Mauerbach Ķipsalas street 8KobuletiKomercijalno-trgovačka škola SplitKongresni trg, LjubljanaKonyaKošiceKošiceKrakow, Krakowski Park TechnologicznyKungsgatan 1, 252 21 HelsingborgKursaal, Kornhausstrasse 3, 3013 Bern KyivL'Alchimistel'Espace Charenton, 327 Rue de Charenton, 75012 ParisLa ChaufferieLes moulins de Beez Rue du moulin de Meuse 4 - 5000 NamurLiègeLIEGE - Rue Louvrex 14, 4000 LiègeLimerick city, online LisboaLisboa , Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 31 ( Sala de Âmbito Cultural - El Corte Inglês ) Livorno, Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Via Roma n. 234 LjubljanaLocri Lungo Lario Trieste, 54/56, 22100, ComoLyon, France, 60 Av. Jean Mermoz, 69008 LyonLyrath Estate Hotel, Paulstown Road, Lyrath, Kilkenny, R95 F685Madrid, Complutense University, School of Communication, Complutense AvenueMaison de la Poste Marcq-en-BaroeulLa cité des échanges 40 Rue Eugène Jacquet59700 Marcq-en-BarœulMaria Kapnist St., bldg. 2, office 301/1, Kyiv, UkraineMéaulteIndustriLabZone Aéropole de Picardie - 1 Rue Roger Janin - 80300 MéaulteMemory Education CenterMercantec, AND onlineMiejski Dom Kultury "Południe" w Katowicach - KostuchnieMihal Shahini VET SchoolMinistère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, 1 rue Descartes, 75005 ParisMinistry of Foreign Affairs ClubMisiaouli & Kavazoglou 23, Limassol 3016, Cyprus Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place Luxembourg 1, 1050 BrusselsMission of Switzerland to the EU, Place Luxembourg 1, 1050 BrusselsMokyklojeMons - Chaussée de Binche 159, 7000 MonsMórahalom, Szilágyi Mihály utca 2, 6782MTU Kerry (South Campus), Clash, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland, V92 CX88Municipiul IasiMuseum Of Literature Ireland, UCD Naughton Joyce Centre Nano Nagle Place, Douglas St, Cork, T12 X70ANiğdeNouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, 14, rue François de Sourdis, 33000 BORDEAUXOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineonlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineonlineOnlineonlineOn lineOnline - RomeOpificio Golinelli Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 1440133 Bologna (IT)Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808, bus 3429000 Ghent (Belgium)Oulu, Northern OstrobothniaOurém, Av. Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira, nº 69, 2490-483 Ourém, PortugalPadova, Via Ansuino da Forlì, 64, 35134Palacio Municipal, Madrid, SpainPalacio Municipal de IFEMA MadridsPalais de la Porte Dorée, Paris 75012Pamukkale TeknokentParisParisParisParisPARISHaut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (Hcéres)2 rue Albert Einstein 75013 Pazin, Školsko-gradska sportska dvorana ZSUPiatra-Neamt, str. Alexandru cel Bun nr. 19Piazza CastelloPiazza Toni Merlin 1Place Stéphanie 20, 1050 BrusselsPlattform Erwachsenenbildung, live aus dem 7vorne-Studio, 1070 Wien, Breite Gasse 11Pokrovska str.28, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69063PolandPontecagnano (Online)Pontecagnano Faiano (Online)Portershed GalwayPortimão, AlgarvePorto Palácio Hotel by The EditoryAv. da Boavista, 12694100-130 Porto Portugal+351 226 086 60041.158989, -8.638760 | 41º 9' 32.36" N, 8º 38' 19.536" W, House of Parliament of the Czech RepublicPredeal, Hotel Piemonte, judetul BrasovPROJEKTOWA STREET 4, 20-209 LUBLINWSEI UNIVERSITYPROJEKTOWA STREET 4, 20-209 LUBLINWSEI UNIVERSITYQuality Hotel ViewQuality Hotel View HyllieR. Vice-Almirante Augusto de Castro Guedes 51, 1800-341 LisboaR. Vice-Almirante Augusto de Castro Guedes 51, 1800-341 Lisboa, PortugalRegensburg | Jahnstadion | Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 22 Regierung der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft BelgiensRegierungspräsidium TübingenRegional Government of Tuscany Brussels OfficeRégion Centre-Val de LoireRemoteRemote event Renaissance Bordeaux Hotel 16 rue de Gironde 33300 Bordeaux Representation of the European Commission in Bonn, EU-Institutions in BrusselsRepresentation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU, Rue Wiertz 77, BrusselsRestaurante Pedagógico Interdepartamental Riba-roja de Túria (Calle 105, nº 32 · Urbanización Entrenaranjos 46190 Riba-roja de Túria, Valencia)RigaRīga, Aspazijas bulvāris 28, LV-1004RijekaRobert-Koch-GymnasiumRodon Mount Hotel & Resort, Rodou 1, Agros, 4860Roma, Corso d'Italia 33Roma, Palazzo Giustiniani, Via della Dogana Vecchia 29RomeRomeRome, December 18, 2023, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PMRome, Open Area 10B Via Giorgio Scalia 00136 RomaRoyal Museums of Fine ArtsRua da Sociedade Farmacêutica, 3Rue de la Scierie 32, 6800 LibramontRue Quentin-Bauchart 22-24Rue Victor Oudart 7, 1030 Brussels RybnikSala E.Luciani-Belluno, c/o CCIAA Treviso-Belluno|Dolomiti Piazza Santo Stefano 15/17 32030 Belluno Piano TerraSalon International de l'Agriculture 2024- Paris expo Porte de Versailles – place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris – Pôle Agri recrute – Hall 4 - STAND OCAPIATSamsunSantanderSara Kulturhus, SkellefteåScandic AmbassadeurScandic ØrneSecondary Vocational School of TransportSede de Representación de la Comisión Europea y del Parlamento Europeo en Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 46Seeberger Genusswelt Hans-Lorenser-Straße 20 89079 Ulm Sheraton Rhodes ResortSheraton Rhodes ResortŠiauliaiSibiu, Agnita, str.Scolii, nr.2, 555100Skopje, Drezdenska 52SkövdeSlovak RepublicSoborna Str. 127, Pavlohrad, Dnipro Oblast, 51400Society of Epirot StudiesSofiaSofiaSofia, "Novotel Sofia", 115 H Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd.Sofia 2A Adam Mickiewicz str. Solidarity Network Nicosia in Action-NicInAct (Χρυσαλινιώτισσας 30-32, 1017, Λευκωσία)Šolski center Ljubljana SOŠ pro administrativu Evropské unieLipí 1911193 00 Praha 9SpainSPAZIO EUROPASpojka EventsSQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Agora VillageStavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center - Syggrou Avenue 364, 17674 Kallithea GreeceSt Kierans Community CentreTormey Villas N37 W7P3 AthloneStockholm (The Swedish History Museum, Narvavägen 13-17, 114 84 Stockholm)Stockholm (The Swedish History Museum, Narvavägen 13-17, 114 84 Stockholm)Str., Solomyanska, 1, Kyiv, 03035Stresa Corso Umberto I, 29 Hotel Regina PalaceStrokovno izobraževalni center Brežice Świętokrzyska 12/316, 30-015 KrakówŚwiętokrzyska 12/316, 30-015 KrakówTaikos pr. 69, 94112 KlaipėdaTallinnTapiolan urheilupuistoTapiola sports parkTartuTechnical Chamber of Greece/Department of the Western Macedonia, Estias 3, 50100, KozaniTechnical Training CenterTelliskivi Creative City, Club of Different Rooms.The conference will be held onlineThe Dean HotelThe EggThe House of Civic Communities The Sculpture Park at the harbor of Naestved, DenmarkThe Sligo Park Hotel, Pearse Rd, Cornageeha, Sligo, County Sligo, Ireland The Westin HotelThon Hotel Thon Hotel Oslo AirportThon Hotel Oslo Airport, Balder Allé 2, 2060 Gardermoen.Timiș County, Lugoj City, Gheorghe Doja Street, nr. 41, 305500Tingvalla Sportcenter, Karlstad Sweden Tingvalla Sportcenter, Karlstad Sweden. In association with the Swedish National Skills CompetitionTorrejón de ArdozTorres NovasEscola Profissional de Torres NovasVárzea dos Mesiões2350-433 Torres NovasTour & TaxisTower Room of the Salzburg Chamber of LabourTrabzonTrenčianske TepliceU Jezdecké sochy Jošta Lucemburského, Moravské náměstí, BrnoUkrainian Academy of Sciencesul. 3 Maja 17, 17-100 Bielsk PodlaskiUN Campus, BonnPlatz der Vereinten Nationen 1 · 53113 Bonn UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen, Bonn UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for TVET, UN Campus Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn, GermanyUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid University College CorkUniversity of BordeauxUniversity of Vaasa, Ankkuri (old Tritonia), Nissi auditorium K218, Wolffintie 32, 65101 VaasaUniversity of Western Macedonia, Urban Planning Zone (ZEP) in Kozani GreeceUşak/BanazUşak Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu LisesiVaasa, FinlandUniversity of Vaasa, Ankkuri (old Tritonia), Nissi auditorium K218Vác 2600, Géza király tér 10.Väinämöinen 2,60120 SeinäjokiVallettaVaļņu 1, RigaVamia, Sepänkyläntie 16, 65100 VaasaVamia Vocational CollegeRuutikellarintie 2, 65100 Vaasa, FinlandVamia Vocational CollegeRuutikellarintie 465100 Vaasa, FinlandVenueVenueVerbania VERTRETUNG DES LANDES RHEINLAND-PFALZ BEIM BUND UND BEI DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNIONVia Francesco Maria Alias, 20 Via Giosuè Carducci, 46, 33100 Udine (UD), Italyvia Paolo Nanni Costa, 14 - BolognaViareggioVIA University College, Hedeager 2, 8200 Aarhus N, Danmark Vico Garibaldi, 16, 75010 Aliano (MT), Matera, PotenzaVila Nova de FamalicãoVirtual workshop (Thessaloniki)Volkshochschule Region KasselVoskenslaan 364A Vukovarska 21 RijekaVzdělávací institut pro Moravu, Hybešova 15, Brno; Hrad ŠpilberkWallonieWeb émission YoutubeWiedner Hauptstraße 63 Wiener UraniaWorld Trade CenterWorld Trade Center Barcelona (1ª Planta Edif. Este, Moll de Barcelona, s/n, 08039)Wyndham Grand Athens, 2, Megalou Alexandrou street, GR 10437, Athens GreeceZaragozaΟK!Thess, Komotinis 2, 546 55 ThessalonikiΟ διαγωνισμός διεξήχθη στα εργαστηριακά κέντρα: 2ο Ε.Κ. Αιγάλεω, στο Θεματικό ΙΕΚ Αιγάλεω και στη Σιβιτανιδείο Σχολή Τεχνών & Επαγγελμάτων Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς (κεντρικό αμφιθέατρο)София, Съюз на архитектитеград Велико Търново, хотел „ПремиерToggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Countries BelgiumBulgariaCzechiaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaIrelandGreeceSpainFranceCroatiaItalyCyprusLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgHungaryMaltaNetherlandsAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSloveniaSlovakiaFinlandSwedenAlbaniaGeorgiaKosovoLiechtensteinMontenegroNorth MacedoniaNorwaySan MarinoSwitzerlandTürkiyeUkraineToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events and Activities (649) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Status Past Subject vocational training reskilling 14-15Nov2024Training and workshops2024 eucen Autumn Seminar - Skills for a greener future: the role of University Lifelong LearningSpainCountriesSpain16-20Sep2024Conferences and summitsCreative Skills Week 2024CountriesNetherlands19Jun2024Training and workshopsENGIE Solutions supports job seekers in career transition through a training program with a job opportunity at the end.22-23May2024Conferences and summitsStronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied UniversitiesAustriaCountriesAustria22May2024Conferences and summitsEngineering Project DayBelgiumCountriesBelgium08May2024Conferences and summitsUNISER TEACHER WEEK: International Skills in the Digital EraItalyCountriesItaly08May2024Training and workshopsSKILLS HORIZONSCountriesAustria07May2024Conferences and summits“Let’s talk about GenAI!” with Ashwin SeegobinCountriesBelgium07-10May2024Training and workshopsINTERNATIONAL SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL ERAUniser Teacher Week 2024ItalyCountriesItaly03May2024Training and workshopsGenerative AI WorkshopCountriesBelgium 1Page 123...65Next
14-15Nov2024Training and workshops2024 eucen Autumn Seminar - Skills for a greener future: the role of University Lifelong LearningSpainCountriesSpain
19Jun2024Training and workshopsENGIE Solutions supports job seekers in career transition through a training program with a job opportunity at the end.
22-23May2024Conferences and summitsStronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied UniversitiesAustriaCountriesAustria
08May2024Conferences and summitsUNISER TEACHER WEEK: International Skills in the Digital EraItalyCountriesItaly
07-10May2024Training and workshopsINTERNATIONAL SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL ERAUniser Teacher Week 2024ItalyCountriesItaly