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European Year of Skills

Linda, Ireland

Linda, Ireland

I didn’t get on with school when I was young. I preferred to be outside, play football with my friends and work to earn my independence as soon as I could. This meant that I was often tired in lessons and neglected studying. When I got older, I really regretted not paying attention in school. Reading and writing has been a particular struggle and I’ve been afraid of being laughed at for not being proficient. I was working as a cleaner when my colleagues encouraged me to respond to a National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) advertisement on social media. I signed up for their phone tutoring service and went back to school at 37. I put myself first and it was the best thing I ever did. It made me want to go further and keep updating my skills. I tell people that are in the same boat as me to pick up the phone and take that first step. It is the best decision they will ever make.