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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 6 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Advisory Committee on Vocational Training met on 4-5 December to discuss national reforms in VET

The meeting of the Advisory Committee on Vocational Training (4-5 December) focused on the implementation of the modernisation agenda for vocational education and training (VET) defined in the 2020 Council Recommendation on VET and the 2020 Osnabrück Declaration.

Cedefop and the European Training Foundation supported the discussion with their analysis of progress of national implementation plans submitted in 2022 by 25 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and 5 Candidate Countries. Members of the Committee exchanged in parallel break-out sessions on practices and reform measures related to a) upskilling and reskilling of adults, with a focus on validation of non-formal and informal learning, b) VET and the green transition, focusing on the potential to address gender stereotypes in vocational programmes and c) expansion of VET to higher qualification levels (EQF levels 5-8).

There was a general agreement on the need to accelerate national reforms and the added value of exchanges of best practices at EU level. The Danish member announced the plans of the government to host an Informal Ministerial meeting to adopt a successor of the Osnabrück Declaration during their presidency in the second semester of 2025.
