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European Year of Skills
  • News announcement
  • 10 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Call for Skills Stories! Send us your skills story for our website

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The European Year of Skills is a unique opportunity to push towards a skills revolution in Europe, making upskilling and reskilling, of all working-age adults, the norm. We are aware that many great initiatives are taking place on the ground, and we want to put them in their deserved spotlight!  

We are looking for:

  • stories of people who have benefitted from upskilling and reskilling programmes to advance in their careers and prepare for future labour market needs.  
  • stories of successful projects  on skills development

Send us your contribution by filling in this form

The text you share will be used as the basis for news articles we will develop to display your story.  
