The meeting included an update on the implementation of the Year and a discussion of trends in national activities. The Commission and the EU Agencies (ETF and Cedefop), provided new on EU level developments and the meeting then focused on a discussion of actions beyond Brussels – on the ground, close to citizens and employers. National Coordinators discussed actions taking place, common priorities, and how the messages of the Year can be brought closer to the wider public.
Joining efforts and sharing ideas
“Skills are front and center of any topic we are discussing nowadays. We need to reach the minds and hearts of people, we need to promote an understanding of upskilling and reskilling as a factor to improve social integration and living standards.” With these words, MEP Dragoș Pîslaru welcomed the role of National Coordinators and stressed the importance of joining efforts to achieve the common goal – to promote a mindset of upskilling and reskilling.
And the meeting helped achieve exactly this – joining efforts and learning from each other. It showed the shared commitment to make progress and identified areas for collaboration. For example, some countries wanted to know more about others’ projects to develop matching tools or approaches to partner with employers. And some have already connected to organize country visits and learn more about developing the skills of working age people.
Bringing the Year closer to all
The meeting also placed a spotlight on communication activities, showing new approaches to reaching out to many more people. This included inspiring examples from the Commission Representations to Germany and Bulgaria, who showed how out of the box thinking and connecting to National Coordinators helped them bring the Year closer to EU citizens - in festivals, events, study visits, and with the help of social media influencers.
The meeting really showed how the European Year of Skills is making a difference - also in your country. Curious to learn more? Do check out the dedicated section here.
Looking Forward
National Coordinators will meet again later this Year (November), to deepen further their exchanges. Get in contact with your National Coordinator and stay tuned for more updates.
- Publication date
- 19 October 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion