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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 26 September 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 2 min read

Plan your upskilling journey with Europass and its tools

Europass, an EU platform that supports people in their learning and career management is broadening its offer during the European Year of Skills. Skills are at the heart of Europass tools and services, helping learners and workers to navigate the latest labour market and skills trends.  

Skills and Europass

Present your skills 

When applying for jobs and courses, Europass offers many digital tools for understanding and effectively presenting one's skills. For example, the Europass profile and CV editor allow users to show their skills in a clear and understandable manner. These tools use ESCO (European Skills, Competences, and Occupations) – a classification of skills terms recognised across Europe. This helps users to highlight the most important skill sets in their CVs with predefined ESCO suggestions. It also allows users’ skills to be matched more easily on different European job search portals.  

Reflect on Skills 

The My Skills section on Europass provides an opportunity for users to reflect on and understand their skills. Skills can be acquired through different experiences, such as learning, volunteering, work, and travel, which we frequently overlook. Based on the user’s profile information, the tool suggests a preliminary list of skills. Users can add these skills directly or provide their own, and the tool will classify them automatically. This makes assessing and organising skills easy and helps create a comprehensive overview of the user’s skills for employers or education and training providers. 

Take the Digital Skills Test 

Europass also includes a digital skills self-assessment tool, allowing users to evaluate their digital competencies with a series of questions. Upon completion, users receive an overall score showing their level of digital skills and a detailed report outlining their competencies. This tool not only helps users recognise their strengths and weaknesses, but also gives improvement tips and learning goals. 

Explore Job and Skill Trends 

Users can gain a better understanding of the EU job market by using the new Europass tool on job and skill trends. The tool shows the top ten occupations in demand in each EU country and the skills necessary for performing them. This helps users make informed decisions about their career paths and about moving to other EU countries, where their skills are needed. Further improvements of the tool are in the works, including links to tailored suggestions of working and learning opportunities and more personalisation based on user profile data. 

Curious to learn more about Europass and how the Europass tools and services can help you? Explore more directly on the Europass platform!  

