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European Year of Skills

Accompanying workers for digital transition – the LAT case

LAT is a German family business, operating in the mobility sector for over 50 years. The company supports their 130 employees through tools and training them to better adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

LAT - Vestager - banner

Margarethe Vestager, Executive Vice President for A Europe for a Digital Age, has visited the Berlin-based company LAT – a pioneer in supporting the upskilling of employees in the mobility services sector.

"You can have all the ideas, all the ambitions, all the money in the world. If you do not have skills, nothing will actually materialize". Vestager's statement perfectly aligns with LAT's visionary perspective.

LAT is a German family business, operating in the mobility sector for over 50 years. The company supports their 130 employees through tools and training them to better adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

For example, the use and development of apps has helped apprentices and workers to learn and practice for their driving exam, as well as follow security and safety training, at their own pace. LAT also collaborates with other companies, startups or well-established companies, to organise training and join efforts. Together, they developed specific training on how to use new technologies through gamification techniques.

Finally, YouTube tutorial videos are used to help new workers in learning specific tasks and immediately put them into practice. Support to adapting is their strength. ‘Who would change valuable employees just for a change in technologies?’ - CEO Ms. Zeichhardt stressed. With upskilling at the heart of its strategy, LAT certainly lives by this statement because as Vestager's underlines ‘Skills is the key to getting things done’.

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Rewatch the European Year of Skills Festival.
