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European Year of Skills
  • Project

The age of batteries is coming. Let’s get the green skills for it! The ALBATTS case

The green transition will have a profound impact on the way we live and work. Skills related to the green transition are of utmost importance today, and ALBATTS plays a substantial role in advancing them. 


The battery value-chain industry is becoming a pivotal actor in technology innovation. Its products are in high demand. However, companies in the sector face significant challenges due to workforce shortages. The sector requires a diverse range of skills, including engineering, manufacturing, chemistry, data science, repair, and more. To meet this increasing demand, around 800,000 workers will need to be trained, upskilled, or reskilled by 2025. 

ALBATTS, the Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training, and Skills, is a 4–year Erasmus+ project with the overarching objective of promoting green mobility in Europe and providing people with the skills they need to work in this emerging industry. According to Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, "new projects across the Battery Value Chain are expected to create 3 to 4 million new jobs."  

How ALBATTS is boosting the acquisition of green skills?  

In the ALBATTS partnership education and training providers work together with enterprise in the European battery value chain to gather skills intelligence, design a sectoral skills strategy, review, and develop new, job profiles and related training pathways and qualifications. Engagement with national authorities should ensure the integration of the developed curricula and qualifications into national qualification frameworks. Local or broader contexts are considered in the preparation of appropriate measures, education, and training materials. 

The project has received funding of approximately €4 million from the Erasmus+ Blueprint Alliances action. 

Together for skills! 

The project collaborates with various entities, such as the Automotive Skills Alliance, the European Battery Alliance, and the InnoEnergy Skills Institute, among others. It operates as a partnership between education & training providers and companies, jointly developing  training programmes in multiple languages. 

Find out more here: Project ALBATTS ( 

ALBATTS were part of the European Year of Skills Festival. Rewatch it here:  

If you are interested in the development of Green Skills, you can find the European Year of Skills at the Excellence in green skills stand at the Green Week.