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European Year of Skills

“Agility” – a Bavarian project that focusses on mental flexibility in a changing labour market environment

The ESF+ co-funded course “Agility” helps employers and employees acquire new soft skills and adopt agile solutions to the labour market challenges of today and tomorrow. With its innovative and interactive learning environment, “Agility” shows that upskilling and reskilling can be both - fun and beneficial.   

Agile Project

Employees are expected to constantly evolve and acquire new skills in a changing world of work. These skills include being innovative, creative, being a great communicator, motivated, working well in a team, being resilient, organised, solution-oriented, open to change, responsible, and able to adapt to new methodologies – so called soft skills.  

We often hear that soft skills are just as important as field-specific hard skills. But while you tend to study or train to attain said hard skills, how can we learn soft skills?  

The Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V. has designed a 5-day and 5-module course called “Agility” to help improve soft skills in employees and employers alike. Under the umbrella of the DEIN TAG (your day) project, the course promises to teach agile solutions for companies, teams, and projects. The goal is to prepare the modern workforce for a fast-evolving labour market with ever-changing challenges and needs.  

Agility” is innovative and interactive and, according to organisers, combines theoretical content, practical experiences, and transfer exercises to ensure that the acquired skills are integrated into everyday life.  

Specifically developed simulation games challenge learners to reflect on their attitude and way of thinking with the aim to encourage a management style that leaves employees feeling empowered and self-reliant. The Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V. envisages the manager of tomorrow as a “Manager 4.0”, who is both a coach and a mentor to the team and has left authoritarian delegation behind as a concept of the past. 

Co-funded by the ESF+,“Agility” promotes the exchange of experience between participants across disciplines and companies and thus creates mutual learning opportunities. It utilises the LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) approach to simplify procedures and make project management of multiple teams more efficient.  

Employers and participants love the “Agility” course and see it as a unique opportunity to cultivate soft skills and “familiarise staff with new working methods. “Thanks to the course, we have managed to better structure our work packages, streamline processes, and successfully complete a first LeSS project.”