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European Year of Skills

Closing the digital gap: Empowering learners through the "Digital Literacy Programme"

Meet the main characters of this story: Shadi, Firouzeh, Hunoon and Mihret. Their lives radically changed after taking the Digital Literacy Programme, a course designed by the ReDI School of Digital Integration in collaboration with The Digital Collective and other partners. They learned the basic digital skills they needed to thrive in today’s digital world.   

Woman sitting and writing.

Today, having at least a basic level of digital literacy translates into new opportunities. The Digital Literacy Programme, started in Munich at the beginning of 2020 , has empowered participants of different social backgrounds, including migrants, refugees and parents with young children, by helping them develop their digital skills for life and work.  

This programme provided the essential set of digital skills, knowledge, and attitudes to enable learners to use technologies confidently and critically. It also supported their social inclusion and boosted their employability in their country of residence. The vast majority of learners were women. Read the captivating stories of some of these learners below: 

Shadi’s journey 

19-year-old Shadi arrived in Munich in 2022 from Iran. Looking to improve her digital skills and better understand the IT sector, she joined the Digital Literacy Programme in September 2022. Through the programme, she developed her computer skills, learned how to use office productivity applications and how to collaborate online. Shadi was an active participant in the classroom and at the career services events offered by ReDI School Munich. With the help of career services and networking opportunities within the programme, Shadi was able to land a vocational training position as a Zahnarthelferin (dentist assistant) at a Munich praxis. In the next three years, she will be trained as a dentist assistant. She is grateful for the opportunity to start building a career in her new country. To continue her upskilling journey, she also decided to enrol for an advanced digital course at ReDI School Munich.  

Firouzeh and Hunoon’s journeys 

Back in February 2020, Firouzeh and Hunoon arrived at ReDI School Munich looking for free computer courses. The two sisters, 17 and 18 years old, had recently arrived from Afghanistan to Germany. They did not know how to use a computer or the Internet, but they were motivated to learn. After going through ReDI School Munich's screening process, they joined the Digital Literacy Programme. Step by step, they became more confident in using a computer, improved their German language skills and learned how to network. At secondary school, they started to show good grades in their computer classes and were among the best students in that subject. Two years later, in January 2022, they both decided to join ReDI's Intro to Computer Science class to learn the basics of programming and successfully graduated in June 2022. During the time that they were students, they discovered that the IT sector was the career path they wanted to pursue after secondary school. In September 2022, Firouzeh started vocational training in IT and Hunoon joined ReDI's full-time programme to train in web development and became a ReDI volunteer teacher. In September 2023, Hunoon started her vocational training in IT. They both consider that studying at ReDI School Munich gave them new professional perspectives and sparked their interest in pursuing a career in IT. 

Woman sitting and smiling.

Mihret’s journey  

Mihret, a nurse in her home country, moved to Munich with her two children, dreaming of continuing her nursing career in Germany. At ReDI School Munich, she learned valuable digital skills, enabling her to create digital applications and efficiently document and track patient information. This training helped her gain important tools and open doors to vocational training opportunities in Munich's healthcare sector. Mihret's journey showcases the power of education and digital empowerment, setting her on the path to achieving her dreams in the healthcare profession in Germany. 


Every year, the ReDI School of Digital Integration in Munich provides hundreds of migrants and vulnerable groups, as well as local digital newcomers, free and equitable access to digital education, from learning basic digital skills to programming. The Digital Literacy Programme is one of the courses they offer to the learners with the most basic skills, serving as an entry point for many of them who later join more advanced courses to continue their upskilling journey - the way Shadi, Firouzeh, Hunoon and Mihret did. 

The Digital Collective is a non-profit organisation that advocates for the digital inclusion of individuals in vulnerable situations through basic digital skills training. The Digital Collective partnered with two ReDI Schools, in Munich and in Denmark in 2022-2023, to run the Digital Literacy Programme, teaching 240 migrants and refugees. 

If you are interested in digital inclusion, we invite you to join DigiCo’s Community of Practice.