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European Year of Skills

Emalan Plus and 42 Urduliz: two projects that put inclusion at the core of skills development

Local to the Basque Country, Emalan Plus seeks to (re)integrate unemployed women over 50 with experience in qualified positions into the labour market. Also located in Biscay, 42 Urduliz is a free programming campus that seeks to open doors to the labour market for all those that are eager to learn. 

Four people sitting and having discussion.

Emalan Plus: an example of public-private partnership 

Emalan Plus is a comprehensive support programme for labour market insertion, aimed at unemployed women over 50 with experience in technical positions. The programme is promoted by the Provicial Agency DEMA, in collaboration with CEBEK, the Business Confederation of Biscay.  

At the European Year of Skills Festival, Johanka Soto shared her experience as a participant in the training and mentoring programmes: “This is a comprehensive and intensive programme aimed at women, trained by professionals who are very well prepared to help reintegrate us into working life. I recommend that everyone participates in these programmes!”, she affirmed. 

The first edition of Emalan Plus achieved an impressive insertion rate of 70%, which led to the launch of the second edition in March 2023: Emalan Plus II. 

This eight-month training programme follows three main actions: 

  1. Job activation, development of personal skills and career guidance; 
  2. Personalised follow-up for job search and selection processes; 
  3. Support with business prospecting and promotion of applications among companies in Biscay. 

These companies include, for example, those working in the metal sector. Jose Luiz Bezanilla, an employment technician of the Biscayan Federation of Metal Companies, explained that the Federation works closely with the Provicial Agency to help create tailored training for programme participants, as “[they] know perfectly well what the company needs.”  

Emalan Plus II aims to reintegrate up to 30 women over 50 who are unemployed or in need of improved employment in the local labour market. Learn more about the project and its development here

42 Urduliz – innovative learning for all 

42 Urduliz is a free programming campus that aims to open doors to the job market for all. To participate, students do not need any kind of previous knowledge or qualifications. They just need to be over 18 and eager to learn. The Urduliz campus is supported by Fundación Telefónica and the Provincial Council of Biscay. 

At the European Year of Skills Festival, Susana Zaballa, Head of Institutional Relations at 42 Urduliz, introduced the programme and its main objectives: “providing quality technical training” free of charge and “[seeking] labour inclusion in a sustainable way.” 

At 42 Urduliz, students are the protagonists of their own learning. They learn “how to learn”, thanks to self and peer-to-peer learning. This methodology allows students to progress in the course, while acquiring the technical and transversal skills that companies are looking for. Students develop programming, cybersecurity and other digital skills, but also transversal skills, such as communication, leadership, tolerance and teamwork.  

Are you looking for an opportunity in programming? Enroll now in the Urduliz, Madrid, Malaga and Barcelona campuses. 


These initiatives were promoted at the European Year of Skills Festival on 9 May 2023. Their participation was made possible by eCivis, an independent non-profit organisation that aims to promote the participation of citizens in the local political space, 42 Urduliz and the Biscayan Federation of Metal Companies.