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European Year of Skills

Enhancing diversity and social inclusion in higher education: The EUCEN SMILE Project

The SMILE project aims to transform how higher education institutions promote diversity and social inclusion. The project was coordinated by EUCEN

EUCEN conference

The SMILE project has developed, tested, and implemented innovative tools designed to improve the way higher education institutions promote diversity and social inclusion. With the support of ERASMUS+ funding, the project tested and refined several useful tools. The funding allowed SMILE to reach a larger number of people. The project integrated the expertise of civil society organisations and individuals. 

Key achievements of SMILE 

The SMILE project developed these tools:   

  • Diversity Audit Model: This model assists universities in assessing their commitment to diversity and social inclusion.  
  • CPD Diversity Courses: Four CDP Development (Continuing Professional Development) courses have been tailored for higher education staff.  
  • Policy Recommendations and Action Plan: Comprehensive policy recommendations and an action plan have been created to guide and support universities and stakeholders in fulfilling their commitments to diversity and social inclusion. 
  • Research Space: The research space has been set up to find resources and examples from these three pillars and to learn from others. 

All of these tools are available in English and most are also available in six other languages: German (DE), Spanish (ES), Finnish (FI), French (FR), Italian (IT), and Romanian (RO). 

Engaging with individuals  

One of the distinctive features of the SMILE project is putting people and their needs in the centre. The SMILE project has provided an opportunity to discuss with individuals and role models who can give first-hand accounts of their concerns and needs related to succeeding in the higher education system. These discussions have been essential in fine-tuning the SMILE tools in a way that the higher education staff can understand better the challenges that less privileged groups face.  


EUCEN is the European Association of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) and University Continuing Education, with over 32 years of experience and wide expertise in the field. It is the largest multidisciplinary association in the field in Europe.