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European Year of Skills

LCAMP: responding to Advanced Manufacturing skills needs by putting learners first

The LCAMP project, selected under Erasmus+, aims to enhance Vocational Education and Training in advanced manufacturing, while addressing skill gaps in the digital and green transitions. 

LCAMP: responding to Advanced Manufacturing skills needs by putting learners first

The LCAMP: Learner Centric Advanced Manufacturing Platform for Centre of Vocational Excellence (CovEs) was one of the 13 “Centres of Vocational Excellence” proposals selected in 2022 to develop excellence in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe, under the Erasmus+ programme. This programme aims to support the gradual establishment and development of 100 international collaborative networks of Centres of Vocational Excellence in the period 2021-2027, with €400 million in grants to support the initiative. 

European enterprises in the Advanced Manufacturing (AM) sector are struggling to find workers with the right skills to work on networking systems, data science, the Internet of Things, software engineering and robotics. This project was launched to address this challenge.  

The LCAMP project seeks to support and empower regional centres of vocational excellence in AM to become more resilient, innovative and better equipped to train, ups- and reskill young and adult learners to make the most of the opportunities created by the green and digital transitions. 

This project is coordinated by TKNIKA, the Innovation and Applied Research Centre of the Basque Country. It gathers representatives from 20 partners, representing the education, industrial, VET and public sectors from ten different countries.  The consortium is also supported by sixty associated partners. 

Responding to new Advanced Manufacturing skills needs… 
To help students meet the needs of the AM industry, LCAMP is working to adapt VET training to new skills and courses. In response to these changing skills needs, LCAMP is creating a European Advanced Manufacturing Platform, which highlights the importance of the learner-centred approach. How? By establishing a “skills ecosystem” that gathers the skills that today’s learners require to enter the AM job market. To do so, the current skills trends and gaps within the sector must be defined. Thanks to the contributions of European and non-European experts, this analysis will be available in the future LCAMP Skills Observatory. 

…By involving the learners 

After the Community and the Observatory are established, LCAMP will offer access to Learner-Centric training courses that benefit both young and adult learners and their trainers. These training catalogues will be useful for up- and reskilling, as well as for trainers to learn from other VET centres. In addition, they will be able to connect with an international Collaborative Learning Factory - a platform for teaching future skills, which will be one of the key elements of the future LCMAP (Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection) platform. These elements will culminate in the First European Advanced Manufacturing Platform, where all the services, data and information gathered throughout the project can be accessed. 

To stay up to date with the evolution of the LCAMP project, subscribe to the LCAMP Newsletter and follow their Twitter and LinkedIn pages