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European Year of Skills

Step up your career: when passion for dance brings real skilling opportunities

  Lifelong Burning (LLB) - Towards a Sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe is a four-year cooperation project funded by the EU Creative Europe Programme and carried out by twelve organisations, including dance companies, festivals, choreographic centres and networks, and production companies. 

A lot of people smiling in a picture.

The project encourages cross-disciplinary exchange and provides support for contemporary dance artists in their early and mid-career stages.   

The Creative Crossroads programme offers residencies, workshops, production cost subsidy, dramaturgy / technical assistance, and is tailored to the needs of the participating artists. Young dance administrators can complete internships at LLB partner organisations through the SuSy (Support System) on-the-job training programme, which allows them to develop the organisational and communication skills required to successfully advance their careers and professionalise the independent dance scene.   

But how these projects had a real impact on people’s life? 

Anna Biczók from Hungary was a nominee for Creative Crossroads Artist from 2020 to 2022. Despite challenges, such as the pandemic, she could expand her international network thanks to the Creative Crossroads meetings and residencies, which allowed her to broaden her vision beyond the Budapest bubble.  

Anna got more job opportunities in Vienna and began new master's studies in Stockholm. Both mentoring and financial support were crucial.  

Brigitta Kovács is a manager and producer. She assists emerging Hungarian artists with career development, funding, and accessing local and global opportunities.  

Brigitta was accepted into the Workshop Foundation's SuSy Cultural Management programme in 2019 and has been working closely with them ever since.  

"The internship at Workshop Foundation has been a milestone in my career," she said when asked about the outcome of the experience. I am extremely grateful for the mentoring I received both during and after the programme. We have formed a strong partnership since my internship, with mutual support for each other's activities. As a freelancer, this means a safety net, which is the most important outcome for me. What a wonderful LLB journey."