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European Year of Skills


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Projects (128)

Showing results 110 to 120
BSLF Sustainable Working Life Project

The Sustainable Working Life project, implemented by the Baltic Sea Labour Forum from 2019 to 2022, shows how transnational cooperation across institutions can help improve the working life conditions and lifelong learning opportunities of workers aged 55 and above.  

Project locations
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
CoVE) projects

13 new Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) projects, funded through Erasmus+, address digital and green twin transitions. From Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen, resource-efficient construction, AI professionals, sustainable food systems, cleaner mobility, and to closing technology-healthcare gap.

Project locations
JOB Vert Project

The J.O.B Verts project by the Belgian job integration centre La Bourrache asbl and funded by the European Social Fund +, aims to create sustainable jobs and promote environmental awareness, which aligns with the goals of the European Year of Skills.

Project locations

The Erasmus+ Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) project, EPLUG, enhances knowledge and skills for urban greening in Europe, benefiting climate resilience, biodiversity, and well-being.

Project locations
Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Czechia

The textile company TINTEX and the training provider CITEVE, Portuguese Pact for Skills members formed a partnership to provide reskilling opportunities in the textile industry. Get to know Débora, who explains how a reskilling programme changed her life.

Project locations