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European Year of Skills
General publications

Lifelong learning opportunities for all: medium-term strategy 2022–2029 - UNESCO Digital Library

The strategy sets out how UIL will strengthen the capacities of Member States to build effective and inclusive lifelong learning policies and systems, explaining in detail the operational modalities through which it will deliver its work.


Publication date
1 January 2022
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


UIL’s programmes will focus on three thematic priorities, carefully honed to reflect the challenges of our time: building quality learning ecosystems; fostering skills for life, work and learning; and ensuring that no-one is left behind. Through these priorities, the Institute aims to build learning ecosystems that work across life, in every setting and benefit everyone, including, crucially, women and girls. We are in an era of challenge and transition. This document sets out an ambitious agenda for UIL and for lifelong learning, a roadmap through which we can play our part in delivering against the commitments of the UN’s Common Agenda and the vision of the International Commission on the Futures of Education.

Lifelong learning opportunities for all: medium-term strategy 2022–2029


1 JANUARY 2022
Lifelong learning opportunities for all: medium-term strategy 2022–2029 - UNESCO Digital Library