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European Year of Skills
  • Study

Work-based learning and the green transition

This study was developed by the Inter-Agency Working Group on Work-based Learning, which was set up in 2015. Members of the working group include the Cedefop, European Commission, ETF, ILO, OECD, and UNESCO. It is a subgroup of the Inter-Agency Group on Technical and Vocational Education and Training.


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing today’s society. Changes in our behaviour and in our consumption and production patterns are needed to limit the rise in global temperatures. Transition to a greener economy and society will require actions on many fronts. While advances in climate change adaptation and mitigation are happening, there is a general consensus that we are not acting fast enough.

The benefits of investing in the green transition go beyond cleaner air and restored natural resources. The transition can contribute to economic growth and job creation: certain green sectors, such as those related to clean energy, are growing quickly. New types of jobs are being created and many existing jobs are changing, as cleaner technologies and greener work processes are being adopted.

Study cover


  • 15 FEBRUARY 2024
Work-based learning and the green transition