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European Year of Skills


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Publications (53)

Showing results 10 to 20
  • Study
  • European Commission, European Training Foundation, World Bank, Cedefop, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, International Labour Organization, Unesco

This leaflet advocates for quality career guidance for workers in the framework of lifelong guidance systems.

  • Study
  • Cedefop

This synthesis report summarises 3 years of research involving researchers and VET experts across Europe, with discussion of findings on the content and delivery of VET, assessment practices, and the link between initial and continuing VET.

  • Report
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The current report follows up on the results of the previous Eurobarometer survey on digital rights and principles, exploring whether, or to what extent, EU citizens’ attitudes have evolved regarding this fast-changing field.

  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The Pact for Skills Support Services organised a Pact for Skills networking event for potential members to learn more about the Pact and to encourage them to join efforts in up- and re-skilling of the European workforce.

  • Background document
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Eurofound prepared a background paper as a basis for the discussion at the informal EPSCO meeting in May 2023. The paper outlines some of the key challenges on our labour markets in this regard, and points to some factors for improving the matching of skills and jobs, both in the short and long term

  • Study
  • Cedefop

See what Cedefop achieved during that year, focusing on 'ecosystems' by analysing not only skills and VET systems, but also the wider impact of the digital and green transitions on skills and employment.

  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends.