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European Year of Skills


Welcome to the European Year of Skills

The European Year of Skills aims to address skills gaps in the European Union and boost the EU skills strategy, which will help reskill people with the focus on digital and green technology skills. This will require helping people get the right skills for quality jobs and helping companies, in particular small and medium enterprises by highlighting national efforts as well as -existing and new EU initiatives and EU funding possibilities. It will support skills-related activities and events across Europe.  

Throughout the year, various stakeholders, including the Commission, the European Parliament, Member States, social partners, public and private employment services, chambers of commerce and industry, education and training providers, as well as workers and businesses, will work together to promote skills development.  

The Year has started on 9 May 2023 and will run for 12 months, with many actions and initiatives to be launched and promoted. Follow us to receive the latest information.  

Read the final decision on the European Year of Skills.

Main objectives

  • EYS about 1

    Promoting investment in training and upskilling, enabling people stay in their jobs or find new ones 

  • EYS about 2

    Ensuring skills match the needs of employers, by closely cooperating with social partners and companies

  • EYS about 3

    Matching people’s aspirations and skill sets with opportunities on the job market, especially for the green and digital transitions and the economic recovery

  • EYS about 4

    Attracting people from outside the EU with the skills needed

Key EU events

EU events are excellent opportunities for engagement during the European Year of Skills. Find out more.

How to get involved

YOU will make the Year a success!  

We are supporting events, debates, and skills related activities in Europe that are in line with the year’s objectives. You can add yours to our map by filling in the form. Please use the logo and communication materials.

Use #EuropeanYearOfSkills on your social media channels and share your skills stories with us by filling this form!

Get inspired, get involved, get skilled.