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European Year of Skills
News article18 January 2024Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion2 min read

European rail sector puts skills in the spotlight at annual award ceremony

Each year the European rail community celebrates the most significant contributions to the advancement of sustainable rail transport at the European Railway Award, an event jointly organised by the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the Association of the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE).  

EURA 2024


First presented in 2007, the European Railway Award recognises outstanding achievements in the railway sector helping to enhance, grow and strengthen the rail mode today and for the future. The award consists of an honorary prize for a political “Rail Champion” as well as a “Rail Trailblazer” prize for accomplishments in the field.  

For the 17th edition, the rail community was inspired by the European Year of Skills. Relying on a broad and highly skilled workforce, the rail sector is particularly aware of the challenges of attracting and training workers that are well-equipped for the digital and green transitions. From gaps in skills to an ageing workforce, there are numerous obstacles to overcome to ensure rail has access to the skilled labour it needs. Luckily, actors on the ground are actively engaged to attract, train, and retain new talent in the sector.  

With the 2024 ‘Skills for Rail Trailblazer’ prize, the rail sector aims to recognise the impressive work being done. Just as the European Year of Skills aims to help people get the right skills for quality jobs and support companies in addressing skill shortages in Europe, the event will contribute to the exchange of innovative ideas and creative solutions that can pave the way to a diverse and resilient labour market. 

The call for nominations attracted a wide range of inspiring projects revolutionising skill development in the rail sector. From programmes focused on youth, diversity and social integration to innovative training methods and harnessing of digital transformations, the organisers were impressed by the many initiatives currently helping to tackle labour shortages, support new graduates, expedite growth and the mastery of targeted skills, and ultimately attract and foster talent in the sector.  

The winner will be announced on 29 January at a ceremony in Brussels gathering over 500 guests from all over Europe, including high-level political and transport stakeholders.  

Interested who the top nominees are? Follow #EURA2024 in social media in the run up to the event. 

Full details at


Background information: 

Discover easy-to-read fact sheets about digital and green skills tied to the European Year of Skills. Get ready for a greener and tech-savvy future! 

Green Deal Industrial Plan - plugging the skills gap 

Plugging the digital skills gap 
