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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 8 April 2024
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Real People, Real Skills - stories live now

Discover the inspiring skills stories of people from all over Europe. Find them here!

Real People Real Skills

People in Europe are learning new skills every day. A great variety of projects and programmes, EU, national, and regional help them on their journeys. Hundreds of people from all over Europe, working in many different sectors and hailing from all walks of life have sent us their testimonials.

The European Year of Skills is about policies and new initiatives, but it is also, and mainly, about the EU citizens. We are grateful for everyone's contribution and proud to present their stories:

Find all the stories here.

Picture of a woman with text.

Renata is one of the many who shared their inspirational story. Will you be the next person to upskill or reskill? Join the skills revolution!
