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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 21 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Rolling into 2024: Why we need everyone on board for the Year of Skills

The Year of Skills has already achieved great results, and guess what? It continues!

EYS continues

In 2024, the Year will bring some highlights with flagship events taking place in Brussels. The Meet the Champions of Excellence will be held on 23 February and the European Year of Skills – What comes next? will end the Year with a bang on 30 April. Events are not only taking place in Brussels - the skills revolution is happening all over Europe. So far our stakeholders have organised over 1 700 events on the ground and thousands more are yet to come. Don’t forget to add your events to our map, so we can give them the visibility they deserve.

Events aren’t everything the Year is about! If you haven't heard yet, we are looking for the people who represent the essence of the Year. Have you reskilled or upskilled and changed your life? Become one of the faces of the Year of Skills and join our Real People, Real Skills campaign!

What are your plans for 2024? Will you join the spirit of the Year of Skills? Do you plan to learn something new or start a new course? As we step into 2024, let's keep the momentum going, the ideas flowing, and the skills growing.

