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European Year of Skills
  • Project

Boosting Skills for Digital Transformation: The 5G Academy

Workforce with technical digital skills will be needed in the future. Workers will also have to adjust to fast-paced environments. To ensure this, the 5G Academy combines both transversal and specific skills to provide more holistic training!

5G academy TIM project banner

The 5G Academy brings together the University of Naples Federico II, Nokia and TIM.  Its main objective is to train the future workforce in the field of digital transformation with focusing to   5G technologies. Companies are increasingly digital and interconnected. Industry 4.0 and related technologies are redefining the competitive environment, revolutionising their business models, where 5G technologies are key players.

The comprehensive approach of the training courses, that combines technical with transversal skills, makes it easier for the graduates to adapt to different business environments.

The Academy offers two distinct pathways for graduates and entrepreneurs who want to upskill and develop in their field of work. The course is not solely about acquiring new skills, it also supports learners in the development of business projects. The 7-month postgraduate courses are free for selected participants.

A pledge for innovation – Group TIM in the European initiative

The innovative course is part of a constant commitment by companies that are members of the Digital Large Partnership within the Pact for Skills. The Pact aims to support public and private organisations with upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions. By joining the Pact, organisations have access to knowledge on upskilling and reskilling needs, advice on relevant funding instruments to boost the skills of adults in their regions and countries, and partnership opportunities within our growing community, such as the Digital one.

Members of the Digital Partnership contribute to reaching the goal set in the Digital Decade of having 20 million ICT specialists employed by 2030, as well as to equip 80% of people with basic digital skills, achieving gender convergence.