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European Year of Skills


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Projects (120)

Showing results 80 to 90
Two people standing in a room.

The Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN) is a multi-sectoral alliance that brings together and connects businesses, governments, and international organisations in order to promote work-based learning (WBL).

Project locations
Australia, New Zealand, Armenia, Guatemala

Meet Sarah, a compassionate soul from Germany, who embarked on an inspiring journey. She chose the path of an apprenticeship as a carpenter, not just to master her craft, but to craft a brighter future for those in need. Watch her heartwarming story of building tiny homes for the homeless people.

Project locations
Generation Next

Aida lives in the city of Elbasan, and works as a biology teacher at Jeronim De Rada school. She has long known that change is needed in the education system, and the old method 'to simply transfer information and require students to memorize it' is no longer appropriate in this modern world.

Project locations
Greeks with disabilities get skills for jobs

Evaggelos, who has cerebral palsy, is among three thousand 18–29-year-olds with disabilities or chronic diseases who wish to benefit from the ‘Special Employment Integration’ project. The project provides subsidised career advice, theoretical training, traineeships and skills certification.

Project locations