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European Year of Skills
  • Report

Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition - CEDEFOP (2022)

Achieving a just digital and green transition is at the heart of the European Union’s policy ambitions. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation, abruptly transforming the way we live, work and learn.


Publication date
1 December 2022
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


The digital transition is all around us, but not all workers benefit equally. Many are not exposed to digital technology or are employed in low-skilled, routine and non-complex jobs. This report presents valuable evidence from Cedefop’s second European skills and jobs survey (ESJS2), covering over 46 000 adult workers in 29 European countries. It illustrates the impact of the pandemic, maps the use of different types of digital technology and reflects on their implications for changing tasks, skills needs and skill mismatches. The wealth of new evidence supports the EU’s digital and skills agendas and their ambitious targets. In this report Cedefop makes the case for placing worker wellbeing and quality jobs at the core of Europe’s digital transition.

Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition - CEDEFOP (2022)


  • 26 FEBRUARY 2024
Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition - CEDEFOP (2022)