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European Year of Skills

Jule Janson

Jule Janson

My name is Jule Janson and I’m 24 years old. I live in the south of Germany. After finishing high school I didn’t want to study directly after it, because of that I decided to make an education in a company. I wanted to do something with my hands and wanted to see at the end of the day what I did. Because of that I made an education as a concrete construction worker. After the exams I was allowed to take part at several profession competitions until the WorldSkills 2022. Parallel to the competitions I began studying construction engineering to get more theoretical background. While studying I noticed that sitting at the table the whole day is not what I want. I want to make something practical. So, after the bachelor's degree I decided to work again as a concrete construction worker in the company from my mother. I want to be on the building site and not in the office.

Outside of work I like to go swimming and learn the kids how to swim in my home swimming club. In the winter I like to go skiing and in the summer sailing.