A compendium of inspiring practices: Vocational education and training and the green transition Skip to main content
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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 4 October 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

A compendium of inspiring practices: Vocational education and training and the green transition

In June 2023, the Working Group on Vocational Education Training and the Green Transition published its Compendium of Inspiring Practices, highlighting the crucial role vocational education and training (VET) plays in facilitating the transition to a

Vocational Education and Training and the Green Transition

The Working Group has a mandate to facilitate technical exchanges and contributions to implement the principles of the Council Recommendation on VET and of the Osnabrück Declaration, with a particular focus on the green transition. 


The significance of the Green Transition 

The transition to a more environmentally sustainable, circular, and climate-neutral economy has far-reaching social, economic and employment impacts. Ensuring that all citizens have the necessary knowledge, competences, skills, and attitudes to deal with these changes is vital for a socially just transformation of the European Union.  


Bridging knowledge gaps 

The Compendium aims to fill gaps in our knowledge and understanding of how VET can be equipped to meet the challenges of the green transition. As the Compendium demonstrates, VET has begun to increase the scope and depth of its engagement with the green agenda, particularly since 2020.  


The Compendium consists of inspiring practices for greener VET related to: 

  • Understanding and identifying skills for the green transition 

  • Putting in place strategies and funding mechanisms 

  • Creating greener VET programmes and qualifications 

  • Greening VET at sectoral and regional levels 

  • Developing the skills of teaching and training staff 

  • Activating VET learning venues 

  • Focusing on green social goals 

  • Implementing networks and platforms for collaboration 

  • Adopting new ways of teaching and learning 


VET's role in personal and professional development 

VET serves as a pivotal platform for empowering both young people and adults throughout their careers. Indeed - VET provides learners with skills that help them advance in their personal and professional lives. Whether they are young people getting started in their careers or adults looking to upskill and reskill, VET enables learners to adapt to changing workplace demands, including those associated with the green transition. 

Consult the publication here to learn more about inspiring VET practices! Curious to know more about skills for the green transition in the EU? Have a look at the European Year of Skills website for skills events around you or to learn more about skills and the Green Deal Industrial Plan!  
