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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 8 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 2 min read

Launch of the European Learning Model: Join our webinar

The European Commission is launching the latest version of the European Learning Model (ELM v.3), which supports the goals of the European Year of Skills by promoting a mindset of up/reskilling and lifelong learning.

young professionals at the PC
© Adobe Stock

The ELM aims to match people's aspirations and skills-set with labour market needs and opportunities, by providing tools to support the recognition of skills.

As part of the tasks set forward in the Europass Decision, the ELM supports the goals of the European Skills Agenda, the European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan, and aligns with policy developments such as the European Approach to Micro-credentials.

By providing a unified way to refer to and describe all things related to learning, the ELM allows for the understanding of concepts in the same way across countries and organizations.  As a single vocabulary for learning in Europe, the ELM can assist in the recognition of and trust in qualifications and digital credentials across Europe, supporting the fight against fraud.

To align with the ELM allows for the comparability, transparency and portability of all data related to learning. By providing a tool to ease recognition processes, the ELM contributes to the wider goals of the European Commission to promote labour and learning mobility in Europe.

With over 480 properties, the ELM allows for the capturing of all learning-related data, including formal, non-formal, and informal learning, and caters to the needs of general education, vocational education and training, higher education, adult learning, and labour market trainings. The data richness of the ELM supports the visibility of skills and contributes to a ‘Skills first’ approach.

The ELM is an important step towards the construction of the Common European Skills Data Space. It is also linked to existing frameworks and classifications such as EQF, ESCO, and ISCED-F.

The ELM is built on open standards, in particular the W3C Verifiable Credential data model, and is available in all 29 languages of Europass. It supports interoperability, data exchange and credential recognition, and allows learning providers to use the European Commission's infrastructure to build and issue data-rich digital credentials completely free of charge.

Overall, the European Learning Model v.3 represents a significant development in the field of knowledge and skills data exchange, enabling the recognition of qualifications and digital credentials across Europe, and contributing to the wider goals of the European Commission to promote labour and learning mobility in Europe.

For more information, please join our webinar on 11 May.

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