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European Year of Skills
  • News article
  • 29 February 2024
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

National Coordinators agree: The Year provided a push for implementation and cooperation

During their fifth meeting on 20 February in Brussels, the National Coordinators of the European Year of Skills (“Year”) shared preliminary achievements and reflected on questions for the future. The conclusion is clear: the Year helped to develop skills policies and to promote a holistic approach to skills governance, but more work remains to be done to achieve the ‘skills revolution’ we need.    

National Coordinators event

A moment to reflect on achievements and skills actions for the future

The previous meeting of National Coordinators in November 2023 showed that skills have increased in importance due to the Year. This time, National Coordinators delved into this further, discussing national achievements in an interactive exercise. Many examples of concrete activities were shared, pointing at an overarching conclusion: the Year has provided a push for governments to implement and promote skills policies, to improve skills governance and to cooperate with many actors and stakeholders.   

The exchange also allowed to reflect on questions for the future. How to motivate individuals and to reach out to different groups? How to involve employers even more and promote a joint responsibility? What skills are needed for the future?

Are you interested to learn more about the ideas of National Coordinators? Stay tuned for the Closing conference of the Year on 30 April “The European Year of Skills: What comes next?” that will feature a conversation with National Coordinators, and much more.    

Strengthening cooperation on skills in Europe

The meeting also helped to deepen the exchange of experience on key upskilling and reskilling challenges that all countries face. Continuing the discussion sparked in previous meetings, National Coordinators shared examples of how they support Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises and individuals.

As a conclusion of the day, National Coordinators confirmed the importance of cooperation on skills across countries in Europe. They shared that the meetings so far have been very useful, allowing them to learn from each other. Are you curious to know what was discussed in previous meetings? Check out the articles on the fourth, third, second meeting of National Coordinators.
