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RSSFollowing in-depth consultations with Latvian social partners and stakeholders, the OECD and DG REFORM developed policy recommendations to reform employer-led training, practical guidelines to develop a regulatory framework, and a roadmap to look beyond.
On 4th of December 2023 the European Training Foundation (ETF) launched its engaging initiative, #MySkills4You: a social media campaign that amplifies the voices of young citizens from the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans.
Join the year-round celebration of vocational education and training (VET) and find out more about the European Vocational Skills Week! The 2023 edition, flagship event of the European Year of Skills (EYS), unfolded from October 23-27.
On 5 and 6 October 2023, the Adult Learning Working Group reconvened to share best practices and engage in discussions on various shared themes. Individual Learning Accounts received special attention, with a focus on providing a policy update and assessing the state of play of this initiative.
Under the Technical Support Instrument 2024, DG REFORM proposes a flagship project dedicated to the reforms targeting skills development. Member States can apply for support until 31 October 2023.
Under the banner of the European Year of Skills, on May 25 DG REFORM organised a conference in Porto to discuss reforms on skills needed in the EU. The conference showed a broad commitment to advancing the skills agenda in EU Member States.