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European Year of Skills

European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics (ECoVEM)

The ECoVEM project brings together Vocational Education and Training (VET) centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to tackle the challenges of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, as well as gender equality and integration of migrants.  

European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics (ECoVEM)

The creation of innovative VET curricula in microelectronics to address the skills challenges facing European industry is one of the outputs of the Erasmus+ ECoVEM project. As part of this project, INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation developed 3 training courses  dedicated to photovoltaic (PV) cell and module fabrication process (EQF 5 to 8). These courses are designed to help technicians, engineers and researchers in the industry (upskilling and/or re-skilling for manufacturing companies, engineering offices, research centres) as well as technical and engineering students specialising in material science and microelectronics (and their professors). 

Two tailored courses (EQF 7 and 8, 14h and 8h respectively) were provided to all staff members of CERTISOLIS (12 engineers and technicians). Laurent Prieur, president of the company talked about needs for upskilling in an extremely competitive market with rapidly evolving technologies. 


EcoVEM is one of the pilot Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) selected by the Erasmus+ call for 2022. The Erasmus+ programme aims to support the gradual establishment and development of 100 international collaborative networks of CoVEsin the period 2021-2027, with €400 million in grants to support the initiative. 

European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics (ECoVEM)

Interview with Laurent Prieur, Chairperson of CERTISOLIS 

Could you introduce yourself, your organization, your role and your career path at CERTISOLIS? 

I am Laurent Prieur, president of CERTISOLIS. Our company was created in 2009 thanks to the impetus of the CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) and the LNE (Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais), with the aim of providing France with a testing and certification laboratory dedicated to the photovoltaic industry. CERTISOLIS currently employs 12 engineers and technicians.  

How have you been able to benefit from ECOVEM/Erasmus+ training for your staff? 

Each year, we identify training needs by gathering feedback from all the staff within the company. Then, we discussed them with INES PFE's expert trainers, and the training centre proposed a tailored training course adapted to our company needs based on courses developed in the framework of ECoVEM project. 

Can you tell us about the profiles and backgrounds of the people who have undergone this specific training? 

As a manager, I believe it's in the interest of all our employees to be aware of all the issues involved. As a result, our engineers, technicians and certification officers have all benefited from this training. 

What were the highlights and evaluations of the ECOVEM/Erasmus+ training you received? 

Several aspects of the training were very much appreciated. Firstly, the competence of the trainer, Jean-François Lelièvre, was remarkable. He was a good listener, adaptable and flexible throughout the process. The theoretical, practical and pragmatic approach to training was much appreciated, and the support materials provided were clear and comprehensive. The content and the large amount of information transmitted were also strong points.  It is worth noting that specific practical training on the subject of "module defects and failure" was of great benefit to all staff. 

What benefits did you derive from this training, both for yourself, your employees and your company? What new skills or knowledge have been acquired, and what are the short- and long-term impacts? 

Our training improved our comprehension of photovoltaic technologies and lab issues. The lessons learned were at once put into practice, leading to a better interpretation of the results observed. As a result, there has been a general improvement in the skills of our staff. The benefits of this training are reflected in an improvement of our services. 

Interview by Céline Cote – INES-PFE. 

Contacts for the ECOVEM project at INES: Jean-François LELIEVRE jf [dot] lelievreatines-solaire [dot] org (jf[dot]lelievre[at]ines-solaire[dot]org) , Xavier BOUVIER ECOVEM xavier [dot] bouvieratines-solaire [dot] org (xavier[dot]bouvier[at]ines-solaire[dot]org)