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European Year of Skills

Romain Lasserre

FO French Labour Confederation of Workforce

Romain Lasserre

Romain Lasserre is a confederal assistant in the International – Europe Department of the French Confederation Force Ouvrière, the 3rd largest trade union in France and one of the main social partners involved in the joint management of French paritarian institutions including on VET. On behalf of its organization, he is a member of various EU advisory committees including the ones on Vocational Training and ESF+. He is part of the management board of Eurofound. Finally, he is a member of the Education and Training Committee of the ETUC and the Education Working Group of the TUAC. 

Featured in: Panel 3:  "Skills make business cents: how upskilling enhances value and productivity in companies"- 8th June, 15:30 – 16:30