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European Year of Skills

Results of the European Year of Skills

Discover the results of the Year of Skills and how it has enhanced skills across the EU. Explore key achievements, events and initiatives in our journey towards greater skills development.

Year of Skills in numbers

  • 2000+ events across Europe

  • 190 EU led initiatives on skills

  • 90 million video views on YouTube and Twitch

  • 7 million readers through national media partnership

  • 1.37 million visitors to 54 events in 23 Member States

  • 41 million TV viewers in 5 targeted countries

  • 69 million reach on social media


Delivering skills

  • The Pact for Skills has over 2500 members, and 20 Large-Scale Partnerships in all 14 Industrial Ecosystems. Already 3.5 million people have taken training courses set up under the Pact. In the coming years, the aim is to upskill and reskill 25 million people.

  • 15 Member States are using EU funding to develop Individual Learning Accounts.

  • The European Alliance for Apprenticeships has reached more than 440 pledges, 40 national commitments and over 2.5 million apprenticeship offers.

  • There are 53 funded Centres of Vocational Excellence, with the goal to reach at least 100 by 2027.

  • 25 ongoing Blueprint Alliances (4 years duration, max. €4 million grant) support large-scale Pact for Skills partnerships in all 14 industrial ecosystem

  • €65 billion EU funding from the European Social Fund Plus and the Recovery and Resilience Facility for investment in skills for 2021 - 2027.

What’s next: The future for skills

  • Empowering everyone to train

    Implement Individual Learning Accounts

  • Strategic dialogue on skills

    Give prominence to skills across policies

    Promote public-private partnerships

  • Skills First

    Encourage skills-based recruitment, talent management, and skills validation

  • Attracting International Talent

  • Promote skills as an investment, not a cost

    Explore ways to further incentivise financing of upskilling and reskilling

  • Strengthening VET for Competitiveness

    Promote excellence

    More women in VET professions

    Integrate AI in training