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European Year of Skills

Making Skills Count

Welcome to the Making Skills Count Conference The Making Skills Count Conference is a flagship event of the European Year of Skills. It will take place on 8-9 June in Brussels and online.

Making Skills Count will explore different ways in which skills “count” and matter. It will do so by stimulating discussions among leading experts, policymakers and key stakeholders in the field and by showcasing initiatives and tools addressing skills-related challenges.  


8 June 2023 (8:30 – 19.00 CET) – 9 June 2023 (8:45 - 14.30 CET)


SQUARE Brussels Convention Centre
Mont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

EU-MAKING-SKILLS-COUNT-2023atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (CONTACT US)

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The event will be livestreamed, but make sure to confirm your participation and receive updates by filling out the form. For filling the form, you will need to have or create the EU Login credentials. 

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Check out our media gallery.

Programme 8 June

08:30 – 09.30

Registration and welcome coffee

09.30 – 09:40

Welcome by the Master of Ceremony
Master of Ceremony Ali Al Jaberi

09.40 – 10:15

A European Year to Make Skills Count
Nicolas Schmit
, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

10.15 – 10.45

Opening panel: Why do skills matter?

Moderator: Master of Ceremony Ali Al Jaberi

  • Erik Scheller, State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Research of Sweden
  • Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
  • Maxime Cerutti, Director of Social Affairs, Business Europe

10.45 – 11:00

Key note speech 
Valeriya Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30

Panel 1: ‘Skills-first’ – what is it, what added value, and which way-forward
Skills first’ approaches focus on filling vacancies relying on skills rather than formal qualifications or job titles. Recently, this approach has been gaining momentum in recruitment and talent management. The European Union has been advocating such approaches for a number of years through its skills policy agenda and support tools.  

This panel will explore the following questions: how can a skills first approach improve access to jobs for individuals and generate a larger pool of candidates for employers? What impact will a skills first approach have on incentivising individuals’ training and career choices? How should EU policies and tools for qualifications, skills validation, and career guidance adapt to a skills first approach

Moderator: Master of Ceremonies Ali Al Jaberi

  • Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director, World Economic Forum (WEF)
  • David Barnes, Global Vice President for Workforce and Social Policy, IBM Corporation 
  • Kate O'Sullivan, Senior Director EU Public Policy & Economic Graph, LinkedIn
  • Isabelle Barthes, Deputy General Secretary, IndustriAll European Trade Union

12:30 – 13:00

Pitches at the Marketplace
Project promoters from all over Europe will pitch their cutting-edge projects on skills.

13:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 15:30

Panel 2: Skills for the green and digital transition and for net-zero industry
The Green Deal Industrial Plan and the net-zero package of measures adopted recently highlight the urgency of tackling skills gaps in order to achieve the green transition and climate targets, which EU countries have agreed to. This panel will explore which technical – including green and digital - skills are most needed by the labour market to achieve the twin transition, in the EU and globally. Which approaches already exist, how can relevant skills be identified, and how can people be better equipped to adapt? 

Moderator: Pilvi Torsti, Director, European Training Foundation (ETF)

  • Susan Gill, Manager of Green Skills Programme Office, Further Education and Training Authority of Ireland (SOLAS)
  • Glenda Quintini, Head of Skills Analysis and Policies Unit, Directorate for Employment Labour and Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, Director of Internationalisation, Basque VET Applied Research Centre (Tknika)
  • Ina Todorova, Project coordinator, Cleantech Bulgaria

15:30 – 16:30

Panel 3: Skills make business cents: how upskilling enhances value and productivity in companies
Investing in people and their skills is one of the most productive investments we can make - as a society, as individuals, as organisations and as public authorities. But investment in training is often invisible, especially when it comes to workplace training by employers. This panel will discuss how can we get better at valuing and incentivising training and its contribution to value creation in businesses and other organisations. How can company reporting, and financial accounts foster a culture change of viewing staff training as an investment not a cost. And how do boardrooms consider training as part of strategic organisational management.

Moderator: Jurgen Siebel, Executive Director, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

  • Marie-Christine Levet, Founding partner, Educapital
  • Vikas Aggarwal, Regional Head of Public Affairs for Europe, Eurasia, Middle East and the Americas, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Chiara del Prete, Chair of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Sustainability Reporting Technical Group
  • Romain Lasserre, FO French Labour Confederation of Workforce

16:30 –17:00

Pitches at the marketplace
Project promoters from all over Europe will pitch their cutting-edge projects on skills development.

17:00 – 17:15

Closing remarks
Dragoș Pîslaru, Chair of Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament

17:15 – 19:00

The Marketplace: twenty cutting-edge projects on skills development from across Europe


Networking Cocktail and Buffet

Programme 9 June

08:45 – 09.15

Registration and welcome coffee

09.15 – 09.20

Welcome by the Master of Ceremonies
Master of Ceremony Ali Al Jaberi

09.20 – 09.30

Skills for better jobs: why giving value to skills matters
Margaritis Schinas
, European Commission Vice President for Promoting our European Way of Life

09.30 – 09:40

Introduction to workshops

09:40 – 11.10

1st round of workshops

Workshop 1: Unlocking skills and recognising qualifications in a cross-border context
Validation of skills, to make them visible and valued

Europe needs more and better skilled workers. In the context of the green and digital transitions, this means the need for up- and reskilling, the need to validate skills and the need for a better recognition of qualifications. The workshop will explore existing approaches to recognition of (vocational) qualifications across borders, including qualifications obtained in third countries. The workshop will also discuss the validation of skills as a key tool for making skills visible. Speakers will present different approaches, challenges and opportunities for recognition and validation, with a view to mobilising the European workforce and attracting skilled workers from third countries.  

Moderator: Giulia Meschino, Secretary General, European Vocational Training Association (EVTA)

  • Anna Kahlson, Senior Advisor, Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (MYH), Sweden
  • Swinda Krause, Project Coordinator,ProRecognition, German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK Service – GmbH), Germany
  • Ilse Korving, Advisor Credential Evaluation, Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), the Netherlands
  • Yves Magnan, Executive Vice President,Products and Services, Le Forem, Public Employment Service for Wallonia, Belgium

Workshop 2: Building new skills the economy needs
How to motivate and support people to acquire the right skills (Individual Learning Accounts, Upskilling pathways, micro credentials, Pact for Skills, guidance)?
The workshop will explore the systemic reforms that Member States need to put in place to addressing skills challenges as well as the elements of skills ecosystems that support the provision of a labour force with the right skills. It will discuss how different stakeholders can contribute to building these skills and how to best meet the learning needs of vulnerable groups. The workshop will showcase innovative models to empower individuals to participate in learning, including guidance provision

Moderator: Johnny Sung, Honorary Fellow, The Centre for Skills, Knowledge, and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford

  • Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, Director of Internationalisation, Basque VET Applied Research Centre (Tknika)
  • John Evers, Secretary General, Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres
  • Dario Baron, Senior Expert Advisor, Ministry of Labour and Pension System of the Republic of Croatia
  • Ann-Sofi Sjöberg, Expert, Sjöberg Improving Transitions AB
  • Andy Gent, Chief Executive Officer, Abodoo

Workshop 3: Digital credentials to support better recognition of skills and diplomas
European Digital Credentials for Learning. How can they provide more transparency of skills (the example of micro-credentials

The workshop will discuss the digital transformation of credentials and the recognition of skills and qualifications. Speakers will discuss the specific benefits of digital credentials, how they can support recognition and improve the visibility of skills, in particular micro-credentials

Moderator(s): Nomden Koen & Jambon Celine, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  • Simone Ravaioli, Co-Chair, W3C Verificable Credential Education  and Parchment (Director Global Ecosystem and Innovation) 
  • Evelien Willems, Policy Officer, Nuffic,The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education
  • Lluís Alfons Ariño Martín, Digital Strategist, Rovira I Virgili University and Convenor of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure Diploma use case 
  • Anthony Camilleri, Partner, Knowledge Innovation Centre
  • Ricarda Peil, Senior Desk Officer on Digitalisation, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Workshop 4: Funding skills
Funding opportunities, challenges and good practices from the perspective of business, practioners and managers

The workshop will discuss existing opportunities and challenges for supporting investment in skills by EU Funds, in particular in the business context, focusing on good practices and explore the challenges that persist in having access to such funding and required skills. Speakers from different Member States with different roles and perspectives will share their experience in applying for, using and managing EU funds for the development of training in and for companies (with specific attention to SMEs).   

Moderator: Egbert Holthuis Head of Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  • Hugo Dionisio, Research Department Specialist, General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers (Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses, CGTP-IN)
  • Jeanne Cristiansen-Gozzer, Employment and Vocational Training Advisor, Government of the Brussels Capital Region
  • Emilio Cabanes, Director of ICT Projects and Digital Economy and Deputy Director of the National Reference Centre for VET in E-commerce and Digital Marketing, EOI Business School (Escuela de Organización Industrial)
  • Sergi Queralt, Senior Policy Advisor, Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations (GEOPA)
  • Ingrid Vossen, Marketing Manager,

11:10 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 –12:50

2nd round of workshops

Workshop 1: Unlocking skills and recognising qualifications in a cross-border context

Validation of skills, to make them visible and valued

Workshop 2: Building new skills the economy needs
How to motivate and support people to acquire the right skills (Individual Learning Accounts, Upskilling pathways, micro credentials, Pact for Skills, guidance)

Workshop 3: Digital credentials to support better recognition of skills and diplomas
European Digital Credentials for Learning. How can they provide more transparency of skills (the example of micro-credentials

Workshop 4: Funding skills
Funding opportunities, challenges and good practices from the perspective of business, practioners and managers

13:00 – 13:15

Closing remarks
Stefan Olsson, Deputy Director-General, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

13:15 –14:30


Speakers 8 June

  • Schmit

    Nicolas Schmit

    European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

  • Ludovic Voet

    Ludovic Voet

    Confederal Secretary, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

  • Maxime Cerutti

    Maxime Cerutti

    Director of Social Affairs, Business Europe

  • Valeriya Ionan

    Valeriya Ionan

    Deputy Minister for Eurointegration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

  • Saadia Zahidi

    Saadia Zahidi

    Managing Director, World Economic Forum (WEF)

  • Photo of David Barnes

    David Barnes

    Global Vice President for Workforce and Social Policy, IBM Corporation

  •  Isabelle Barthès

    Isabelle Barthès

    Deputy General Secretary, IndustriAll 

  • photo Kate O'Sullivan

    Kate O'Sullivan

    Senior Director EU Public Policy & Economic Graph, LinkedIn  

  • Photo Pilvi Torsti

    Pilvi Torsti

    Director, European Training Foundation (ETF)

  • Photo Susan Gill

    Susan Gill

    Manager of the Green Skills Programme office at the Further Education & Training Authority of Ireland (Solas)

  • Photo Glenda Quintini

    Glenda Quintini

    Head of Skills Analysis and Policies Unit, Directorate for Employment Labour and Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Directorate for Employment Labour and Social Affairs

  • Photo Iñigo Araiztegui

    Iñigo Araiztegui

    Director of the Internationalisation, Basque VET Applied Research Centre (Tknika)

  • Ina Todorova

    Ina Todorova

    Project coordinator, Cleantech Bulgaria 

  • Jürgen Siebel

    Jürgen Siebel

    Cedefop Executive Director

  • Photo Vikas Aggarwal

    Vikas Aggarwal

    Regional Head of Public Affairs for Europe, Eurasia, Middle East and the Americas, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

  • Photo Chiara Del Prete

    Chiara Del Prete

    Chair of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Sustainability Reporting Technical Group

  • Romain Lasserre

    Romain Lasserre

    FO French Labour Confederation of Workforce

  • Poza Dragos

    Dragoș Pîslaru

    Chair of Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament

  • Erik Scheller

    Erik Scheller  

    State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Research of Sweden

Speakers 9 June

  • Margaritis Schinas

    Margaritis Schinas

    European Commission Vice-President

  • Stefan Olsson

    Stefan Olsson

    Deputy Director-General “Jobs, Skills and Social Policies”, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  • Photo Giulia Meschino

    Giulia Meschino

    Director,  Secretary General at the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA)

  • Photo Anna Kahlson

    Anna Kahlson

    Senior Advisor, Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (MYH)

  • Photo Yves Magnan

    Yves Magnan

    General manager, Products and Services, Le Forem, public employment service for Wallonia

  • Photo Ilse Korving

    Ilse Korving

    Advisor Credential Evaluation, Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), the Netherlands

  • Photo Swinda Krause

    Swinda Krause

    Project Manager, ProRecognition – German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK Service GmbH)

  • Photo Johnny Sung

    Johnny Sung

    Honorary Fellow, The Centre for Skills, Knowledge, and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford

  • Photo Dario Baron

    Dario Baron

    Senior Expert Advisor, Ministry of Labour and Pension System of the Republic of Croatia

  • Photo John Evers

    John Evers

    Secretary General, Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres

  • Photo Ann-Sofi Sjöberg

    Ann-Sofi Sjöberg

    Expert, Sjöberg Improving Transitions AB 

  • Photo Evelien Willems

    Evelien Willems

    Policy Officer, Nuffic,The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education 

  • Photo Lluís Alfons Ariño Martín

    Lluís Alfons Ariño Martín

    Chief Information Officer and Digital Strategist, University of Rovira I Virgili, and Convenor of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure Diploma use case 


  • Photo Ricarda Peili

    Ricarda Peil

    Senior Desk Officer on Digitalisation, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

  • Photo Simone Ravaioli

    Simone Ravaioli

    Co-Chair, W3C Verifiable Credential Education and Parchment (Director Global Ecosystem and Innovation) 

  • Photo Anthony Camilleri

    Anthony Camilleri

    Partner, Knowledge Innovation Centre

  • photo Emilio Cabanes Miro

    Emilio Cabanes Miro

    Director of ICT Projects and Digital Economy and Deputy Director of the National Reference Centre for VET in E-commerce and Digital Marketing, EOI Business School (Escuela de Organización Industrial)

  • Sergi Queralt

    Sergi Queralt

    Senior Policy Advisor, Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations (GEOPA)

  • Hugo Dionisio

    Hugo Dionisio

    Research Department Specialist, General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers (Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses, CGTP-IN) 

  • Jeanne Christiansen-Gozzer

    Jeanne Christiansen-Gozzer

    Employment and Vocational Training Advisor, Government of the Brussels Capital Region

  • Ingrid Vossen,

    Ingrid Vossen

    Marketing Manager,

  • Andy Gent

    Andy Gent

    CEO of Abodoo 

  • Photo Iñigo Araiztegui

    Iñigo Araiztegui

    Director of the Internationalisation, Basque VET Applied Research Centre (Tknika)





 1 .Lifelong Learning Platform / TRANSVAL- EU project

Logo Transval-EU
Join the stand of the TRANSVAL-EU project to learn how transversal skills, like critical thinking and teamworking, can be made more visible and comparable. TRANSVAL-EU proposes innovative approaches focusing on skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning. These were successfully tested in five countries – Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Poland - by 78 practitioners and 256 validation and guidance end-users. www.transval

 2. European Training Foundation

Logo ETF
Come and vote for the Green Skills Awards! The European Training Foundation is giving participants the opportunity to vote for their Awards, to celebrate success stories about skills for the green transition. The stand will concentrate on the skills needed for the twin transition, focusing on the European level, but also showcasing international practice of third countries in skills development.  Home | ETF (

 3. European Association for the Education
of Adults (EAEA)

3. EAEA_logo
Do you want to play fun games while learning about non-formal education for adults? Come and discover the stand of the European Association for the Education of Adults! The association will present game play sessions, animation video and quizzes. With SMALEI you will learn about environmental and climate change challenges, and with MOTIV-ACTION about digital skills. And if you are passionate about sustainable regional development, Engage4BIO is for you to try!  European Association for the Education of Adults (

 4. PES Croatia

Logo PES Craotia

The Croatian Employment Service has an interesting project to present: a voucher system for adults up- and reskilling, co-funded by the European Social Fund +. Come to this stand to try the IT application for this Individual Learning Accounts (ILA) pilot! 

Through the voucher system, users can acquire digital and green skills aiming to improve employability, competitiveness on the labour market and productivity. Users independently choose training programme and education provider from the available programmes and skills catalogue. And at the end, they can get a micro-credential! en/about-ces/

 5. SkillLab

Logo Skillab
Are you interested in creating your own skills profile? Then come and visit SkillLab’s stand! Try out skill interviews and explore your fit in the labour market. What might your next step be? SkillLab works in over 35 countries, connecting people with jobs and educational opportunities, using artificial intelligence to create a profile of people’s skills.  SkillLab Home Page - SkillLab



At this stand, participants will be able to search specific country and sector information in CEDEFOP’s databases and interactive tools: VET systems, National Qualifications Frameworks, Skills forecast, Skills demanded in on-line job advertisements, etc.  

CEDEFOP supports the development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. To this end, the agency enhances and disseminates knowledge, provides evidence and services for policy-making, including analytical reports on skills policy but also country-specific briefs.  Join the CEDEFOP stand if you want to learn more about the tools that they have developed. 

Centre for the Development
of Vocational


Join the virtual tour of the EPALE platform! Exhibitors will show how to use the platform, do not miss it! EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers. Launched in 2015, the platform is available in 32 languages. In the context of the European Year of Skills, EPALE aims to highlight the potential of Adult Learning and Education to engage citizens in society and democracy, empower people to successfully navigate labour market changes, and include everyone in learning.

 8. European Vocational Training Association


The European Vocational Training Association (EVTA) aims at increasing knowledge and competencies of VET providers and of individuals working in training institutions. 

Join their stand to find out more about some fascinating tools: SOLITY (VET Social utility monitor) and GO INTERNATIONAL and ENTRNET, the e-learning platform to support the development of entrepreneurial skills for adults! 

European Vocational training Association - EVTA | EVTA

9. AONTAS The National Adult Learning Organisation

Aontas logo

Do you want to learn more about adult learning? Come and get inspired by the ‘Learners as Leaders’ programme of the Irish National Adult Learning Organisation. Ireland is also a green land for the development of adult learning! ‘Learners as Leaders’ bring adult learners from across Ireland together, empowering them to share their story and become advocates for the adult learning sector.

Learners as Leaders Development Education Programme | Aontas

Municipality of Milan – CENTRINNO project

4. MarchioComuneMilano


Did you know that improving your digital skills could lead to a more sustainable future? At CENTRINNO’s stand, exhibitors will show you how providing traditional craftsmen with digital skills has improved workers’ employability and contributed to a more circular economy in nine European cities. The stand will feature a digital embroidery machine and a vinyl cutter. 

Centrinno - Industrial Citizen Revolution

 11. ECEG


Skills intelligence is of crucial relevance to identify skills needed to succeed in the green and digital transitions. Climate neutrality cannot be achieved without commitment and knowledge that EU social partners (employers and trade unions) gather in their sectors.  

In the stand of the European Chemical Employers’ Group (ECEG) you will learn about newly emerging skills in the chemicals sector identified together with IndustriAll European Trade Union, thanks to an EU co-funded project. Come and discover them!  

ECEG digital skills framework report showcases sector specific digital skills curricula, including generic skills, such as ability to act as responsible for cyberthreat detection, as well as specific skills, linked to the digital chemistry roadmaps. 

European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) | Bruxelles |

12. T-SHORE / Skilliant

Logo SBM
You care about the environment and the renewable energy sector fascinates you? Come and try the T-SHORE e-learning modules to discover innovative approaches for skills provision in the offshore renewable energy sector! The project brings together stakeholders from Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Norway to stimulate innovation and collaboration between VET providers in the sector.  About us - T-shore


Are you a Member State authority looking for technical expertise to design and implement reforms on skills development? Come to discover the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and its 2024 Flagship initiative on Skills. Through the TSI, the Commission provides expertise to Member States (at national and regional level), upon demand, to help advance reforms. All Member States can benefit from a wide range of measures, on a bilateral or multi-country basis. 

14. ALL DIGITAL Weeks campaign

Logo All Digital


Start your digital upskilling journey with ALL DIGITAL! Get first-hand experience of learning materials on digital skills by visiting the stand and discover the ALL DIGITAL Weeks, a pan-European awareness raising campaign on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment. Take the quiz on digital skills and we hope you will be among the winners! 

‘’Enhance your digital skills’’: ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022, new annual digital raising awareness campaign - ALL DIGITAL Week

 15. PIMEC


Do you know the connection between video games and skills for the green and digital transitions? 

At PIMEC’s stand, you can test an interactive video game that furthers the twin transitions firsthand! PIMEC (micro, small and medium enterprises of Catalonia) works directly with businesses and training providers to promote skills in demand. Thanks to public funding, they also provide training in the field of collective negotiations and social dialogue. PIMEC is also giving a voice to SMEs and the self-employed.

https://www. thesimple


https://conscious business


16. EUA & Nuffic

1. EUA_logo_RGB.png
1. Logo_Nuffic

For this stand, two stakeholders will join forces to explain all there is to know about microcredentials! You will start with a quiz from the European University Association to get an idea of what you already know. Guided by Nuffic, you will be able to test the open digital tool “the Micro-evaluator”. It allows recognition of microcredentials among higher education institutes in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention

https:// ;

17. EBSN



Join the European Basic Skills Network for an engaging and interactive experience! Use the mobile app CITO to assess your basic skills, learn more about the EDUPRIS project with an innovative approach of offering a life skills program based on game theory, dig into the ‘Numeracy in Practice’ initiative, play with the financial literacy game Monetto developed by DIE (the German Institute for Adult Education), or go through the interactive booklet on ‘EBSN Capacity Building Series & EBSN Professional Development Series’. Many interesting projects, make sure to pass by! 


 18. ESF Germany – IQ NRW

Logo IQ-Netzwerk

Join the stand of the IQ NRW Digital Recognition and Qualification Counselling (DAQ) and participate to a demonstration on how their work makes recognition of qualifications easier for persons with foreign qualifications already living in the region or preparing for a labour mobility experience in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). Through a digital approach, the ESF funded IQ NRW (part of the nationwide program IQ Netzwerk) reaches people regardless of location, bridging the gap in access to recognition services, particularly in rural areas.

IQ Netzwerk NRW West: Start (iq-nrw-

 19. ESF Romania - CEZ

Logo CEZ
Join the CEZ Group - one of the largest Romanian energy companies, which produces green energy delivered all over the European Energy Network!  Get in the shoes of workers of the company who, thanks to European Social Fund+, benefit from innovative and fun training. Put on the virtual reality glasses available at the stand and experience working in an electric station!  CEZ Romania

20. Danske SOSU- Skoler

Logo Danske SOSU•Skoler


Try virtual reality with the Danish Healthcare Colleges! Learn about new technologies and digital learning solutions and get inspired by innovative processes in vocational education and training. The Associations of Danish Healthcare Colleges stand will present a range of innovative welfare technologies, virtual reality solutions and simulation methods used in education of social and healthcare staff in Denmark. 

Danske SOSU- skoler




Web streaming: Plenary Day 1- Morning

Web streaming: Plenary Day 1 - Afternoon

Web streaming: Plenary Day 2

Web streaming: Workshop 1: Unlocking skills and recognising qualifications in a cross-border context

Presentations from Workshop 1: Unlocking skills and recognising qualifications in a cross-border context

General publications1 August 2023
SBB recognition of foreign (VET) qualifications
General publications1 August 2023
Skills Assessment and Validation
General publications1 August 2023
Recognition in Germany
General publications1 August 2023
YH-flex - flexible validation


Web streaming: Workshop 2: Building new skills the economy needs

Web streaming: Workshop 3: Digital credentials to support better recognition of skills and diplomas

Web streaming: Workshop 4: Funding for Skills